IntelliJ Usage & Shortcuts

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Auto Build

For IntelliJ IDEA 12+ releases we can build automatically the edited sources if we are using the external compiler option. The only thing needed is to check the option “Build project automatically“, located under “Compiler” settings:

Also, if you would like to hot deploy, while the application is running or if you are using spring boot devtools you should enable the from registry too. This will automatically compile your changes.

For versions greater than 2021.2, we need check ‘Allow auto-make to start even id the development application is currently running’ option:

For versions older than 2021.2:

Using Ctrl+Shift+A (or +Shift+A on Mac) type Registry once the registry windows is open, locate and enable, see here:


Please follow both steps:

1 – Enable Automake from the compiler

  • Press: ctrl + shift + A (For Mac + shift + A)
  • Type: make project automatically
  • Hit: Enter
  • Enable Make Project automatically feature

2 – Enable Automake when the application is running

  • Press: ctrl + shift + A (For Mac + shift + A)
  • Type: Registry
  • Find the key and enable it or click the checkbox next to it

Note: Restart your application now 🙂

Note: This should also allow live reload with spring boot devtools.