Known Colors

Professional Windows GUI Programming Using C#
by Jay Glynn, Csaba Torok, Richard Conway, Wahid Choudhury,
Zach Greenvoss, Shripad Kulkarni, Neil Whitlow

Publisher: Peer Information
ISBN: 1861007663
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Collections;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Data;

namespace KnownColors

/// Summary description for KnownColors.

public class KnownColors : System.Windows.Forms.Form
private System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox comboBox1;

/// Required designer variable.

private System.ComponentModel.Container components = null;

ArrayList cAL;
ArrayList cNAL;

public KnownColors()
// Required for Windows Form Designer support

this.Text = “Known non-system colors”;

cAL = new ArrayList(); // colors
cNAL = new ArrayList(); // strings
NonSystemColors(cAL, cNAL);
this.comboBox1.Sorted = true;
this.comboBox1.DataSource = cNAL; //set the combo's data source

// TODO: Add any constructor code after InitializeComponent call


/// Clean up any resources being used.

protected override void Dispose( bool disposing )
if( disposing )
if (components != null)
base.Dispose( disposing );

#region Windows Form Designer generated code

/// Required method for Designer support – do not modify
/// the contents of this method with the code editor.

private void InitializeComponent()
this.comboBox1 = new System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox();
// comboBox1
this.comboBox1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(8, 8);
this.comboBox1.Name = “comboBox1”;
this.comboBox1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(121, 21);
this.comboBox1.TabIndex = 0;
this.comboBox1.Text = “comboBox1”;
// KnownColors
this.AutoScaleBaseSize = new System.Drawing.Size(5, 13);
this.ClientSize = new System.Drawing.Size(292, 266);
this.Controls.AddRange(new System.Windows.Forms.Control[] {
this.Name = “KnownColors”;
this.Text = “KnownColors”;



/// The main entry point for the application.

static void Main()
Application.Run(new KnownColors());
private void NonSystemColors(ArrayList cAL, ArrayList cNAL)
Array cA = Enum.GetValues(typeof(KnownColor));
foreach(KnownColor knwnC in cA) // cX.Length = 167
Color curC = Color.FromKnownColor(knwnC);
protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs pea)
Graphics g = pea.Graphics;
int wi = 70, hi = 12, rectNb = 8;
int cALNb = cAL.Count;

this.Width = (wi +2)*rectNb + 9;
int y = (int)(cALNb / rectNb);
this.Height = y*(2 + hi) + 60;

DisplayKnownColors(g, cALNb, wi, hi, rectNb);
private void DisplayKnownColors(Graphics g, int cALNb, int wi, int hi, int rectNb)
Rectangle rec;
Pen p = new Pen(this.ForeColor);
Brush b;

StringFormat strfmt = new StringFormat();
strfmt.LineAlignment = strfmt.Alignment = StringAlignment.Near;

int x, y;
for (int i = 0; i < cALNb; i++) { x = (int)(i % rectNb); y = (int)(i / rectNb); rec = new Rectangle(1 + x*(2 + wi), 1 + y*(2 + hi), wi, hi); g.DrawRectangle(p, rec); b = new SolidBrush((Color)cAL[i]); g.FillRectangle(b, rec); b = new SolidBrush(Color.Black); g.DrawString((string)cNAL[i], this.Font, b, rec, strfmt); } x = (int)(cALNb % rectNb); y = (int)(cALNb / rectNb); this.comboBox1.Location = new Point(x*(wi + 2) + 2, y*(2 + hi) + 2); } } } [/csharp]