Indexer with complex logic

using System;

class MyValue {
private String[] Cards = new String[52];
public String this[int index] {
get {
return Cards[index];
set {
Cards[index] = value;

public String this[String CardName] {
get {
for (int i = 0; i < 52; i++) { if (Cards[i] == CardName) return Cards[i]; } return Cards[0]; } set { for (int i = 0; i < 52; i++) { if (Cards[i] == CardName) Cards[i] = value; } } } public MyValue() { int y = 0; int i = 0; while (i < 52) { for (int x = 0; x < 13; x++) { switch (y) { case 0: Cards[i] = (x + 1) + " A"; break; case 1: Cards[i] = (x + 1) + " B"; break; case 2: Cards[i] = (x + 1) + " C"; break; case 3: Cards[i] = (x + 1) + " D"; break; } if (y == 3) y = 0; else y++; i++; } } } } class MyValueClient { public static void Main() { MyValue PokerDeck = new MyValue(); String FourOfHearts = PokerDeck["4 of Hearts"]; Console.WriteLine(FourOfHearts); } } [/csharp]