Producer and consumer with a Circular Buffer

Code revised from Book published by
(C) Copyright 1992-2006 by Deitel & Associates, Inc. and
Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

using System;
using System.Threading;

public class Producer
private CircularBuffer sharedLocation;
private Random randomSleepTime;

public Producer( CircularBuffer shared, Random random )
sharedLocation = shared;
randomSleepTime = random;
public void Produce()
for ( int count = 1; count <= 10; count++ ) { Thread.Sleep( randomSleepTime.Next( 1, 3001 ) ); sharedLocation.Buffer = count; } Console.WriteLine( "{0} done producing. Terminating {0}.", Thread.CurrentThread.Name ); } } public class Consumer { private CircularBuffer sharedLocation; private Random randomSleepTime; public Consumer( CircularBuffer shared, Random random ) { sharedLocation = shared; randomSleepTime = random; } public void Consume() { int sum = 0; for ( int count = 1; count <= 10; count++ ) { Thread.Sleep( randomSleepTime.Next( 1, 3001 ) ); sum += sharedLocation.Buffer; } Console.WriteLine("{0} read values totaling: {1}. Terminating {0}.", Thread.CurrentThread.Name, sum ); } } public class CircularBuffer { private int[] buffers = { -1, -1, -1 }; private int occupiedBufferCount = 0; private int readLocation = 0; private int writeLocation = 0; public int Buffer { get { lock ( this ) { if ( occupiedBufferCount == 0 ) { Console.Write( " All buffers empty. {0} waits.",Thread.CurrentThread.Name ); Monitor.Wait( this ); } int readValue = buffers[ readLocation ]; Console.Write( " {0} reads {1} ",Thread.CurrentThread.Name, buffers[ readLocation ] ); --occupiedBufferCount; readLocation = ( readLocation + 1 ) % buffers.Length; Console.Write( CreateStateOutput() ); Monitor.Pulse( this ); return readValue; } } set { lock ( this ) { if ( occupiedBufferCount == buffers.Length ) { Console.Write( " All buffers full. {0} waits.",Thread.CurrentThread.Name ); Monitor.Wait( this ); } buffers[ writeLocation ] = value; Console.Write( " {0} writes {1} ",Thread.CurrentThread.Name, buffers[ writeLocation ] ); ++occupiedBufferCount; writeLocation = ( writeLocation + 1 ) % buffers.Length; Console.Write( CreateStateOutput() ); Monitor.Pulse( this ); } } } public string CreateStateOutput() { string output = "(buffers occupied: " + occupiedBufferCount + ") buffers: "; for ( int i = 0; i < buffers.Length; i++ ) output += " " + string.Format( "{0,2}", buffers[ i ] ) + " "; output += " "; output += " "; for ( int i = 0; i < buffers.Length; i++ ) output += "---- "; output += " "; output += " "; for ( int i = 0; i < buffers.Length; i++ ) { if ( i == writeLocation && writeLocation == readLocation ) output += " WR "; else if ( i == writeLocation ) output += " W "; else if ( i == readLocation ) output += " R "; else output += " "; } output += " "; return output; } static void Main( string[] args ) { CircularBuffer shared = new CircularBuffer(); Random random = new Random(); Console.Write( shared.CreateStateOutput() ); Producer producer = new Producer( shared, random ); Consumer consumer = new Consumer( shared, random ); Thread producerThread = new Thread( new ThreadStart( producer.Produce ) ); producerThread.Name = "Producer"; Thread consumerThread = new Thread( new ThreadStart( consumer.Consume ) ); consumerThread.Name = "Consumer"; producerThread.Start(); consumerThread.Start(); } } [/csharp]