Calculate the max count of continuous characters

//GNU General Public License version 2 (GPLv2)
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace SDFL.Helper
public class StrHelper

/// a function to calculate the max count of continuous characters.
/// For example, input “abb” and it will return 2, input “abbbcc” and it will return 3, etc..

/// [Dylan] 08/17/2009 Fix bug, if max list exist in the end, can't got it. e.g. “affddccccc”
/// [Dylan] 08/17/2009 Fix bug, if only one continuous list, and in the end, DupList is null, e.g. “aff”
/// [Dylan] 08/17/2009 Fix bug, if only one char. e.g “a”

/// /// max count of continuous characters
public static Int32 MaxofDupCharacter(string str)
int length = str.Length;
bool isDup = false;
int iPre = 0;
int iLatter = 1;
List DupList = new List();

// [Dylan] 08/17/2009 Fix bug, if only one char. e.g “a”
if (str.Length == 1)
return 1;

for (int i = 0; i < length -1; i++) { if (str[iLatter] == str[iPre]) { isDup = true; // [Dylan] 08/17/2009 Fix bug, if only one continuous list, and in the end, DupList is null, e.g. "aff" if (iLatter == length -1 && DupList.Count == 0) { DupList.Add(iLatter - iPre + 1); } // [Dylan] 08/17/2009 Fix bug, if max list exist in the end, can't got it. e.g. "affddccccc" // if true, it indicate that end region is still a continuous list. if (iPre< iLatter -1) { DupList.Add(iLatter - iPre+1); } } else { if (isDup) { DupList.Add(iLatter - iPre); } isDup = false; iPre = iLatter; } iLatter++; } return int.Parse(DupList.Max().ToString()); } } } [/csharp]