Int Range

//The MIT License (MIT)
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace Isotope.Collections.Ranges
public struct IntRange
public readonly int _Lower;
public readonly int _Length;

public int Lower
get { return this._Lower; }

public int Upper
get { return this.Lower + this.Length – 1; }

public int Length
get { return this._Length; }

private IntRange(int lower, int length)
this._Lower = lower;
this._Length = length;

if (this.Lower > this.Upper)
throw new System.OverflowException();


/// Creates a range from the lower and upper values

/// (0,0) -> [0]
/// (0,1) -> [0,1]
/// (0,5) -> [0,1,2,3,4,5]
/// (2,5) -> [2,3,4,5]

/// /// ///
public static IntRange FromEndpoints(int lower, int upper)
return new IntRange(lower, upper – lower + 1);


/// Creates a range of a single number

public static IntRange FromInteger(int value)
return new IntRange(value, 1);


/// Creates a new range from a starting value and including all the numbers following that

/// (2,0) -> []
/// (2,1) -> [2]
/// (2,2) -> [2,3]
/// (2,3) -> [2,3,4]
/// (2,4) -> [2,3,4,5]

/// /// ///
public static IntRange FromLower(int lower, int length)
if (length < 0) { throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException("length", "must be >= 0″);

return new IntRange(lower, length);

public override string ToString()
var invariant_culture = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
return string.Format(invariant_culture, “Range({0},{1})”, this.Lower, this.Upper);

private static bool _intersects(IntRange range1, IntRange range2)
return ((range1.Lower <= range2.Lower) && (range1.Upper >= range2.Lower));


/// Tests if this range interests with another

/// the other range /// true if they intersect
public bool Intersects(IntRange range)
return (_intersects(this, range) || _intersects(range, this));

private static int Delta = 1;

private static bool _touches(IntRange range1, IntRange range2)
var val = (range1.Upper + Delta) == range2.Lower;
return val;


/// Tests if this range touches another. For example (1-2) touches (3,5) but (1,2) does not touch (4,5)

/// the other range /// true if they touch
public bool Touches(IntRange range)
var val = _touches(this, range) || _touches(range, this);
return val;


/// Tests if this range contains a specific integer

/// the integet /// true if the number is contained
public bool Contains(int n)
return ((this.Lower <= n) && (n <= this.Upper)); } ///

/// Join this range with another and return a single range that contains them both. The ranges must either touch or interest.
/// for example (0,2) amd (3,7) will yield (0,7)

/// the other range /// the merged range
public IntRange JoinWith(IntRange range)
if (this.Intersects(range) || this.Touches(range))
int new_Upper = System.Math.Max(this.Upper, range.Upper);
int new_Lower = System.Math.Min(this.Lower, range.Lower);
return IntRange.FromEndpoints(new_Lower, new_Upper);
throw new System.ArgumentException();


/// Get each int int he range from the lower value to the upper value

/// each int in the range
public IEnumerable Values
for (int i = this.Lower; i <= this.Upper; i++) { yield return i; } } } } } [/csharp]