Aspect-oriented programming

An aspect is a common feature that’s typically scattered across methods, classes, object hierarchies, or even entire object models.

Express this structure in code with traditional object-oriented techniques.

For example, let’s say you wanted to add code to an application to measure the amount of time it would take to invoke a particular method. In plain Java, the code would look something like the following.

Implementing metrics in a AOP Interceptor

10 ways to change keyboard layout in linux

Please write these commands.


Please  Download  this Document  for  more info

Keyboard – Debian Wiki_Public Document  —— > Click and Download


Example Return for result in controller

Inside of View page,

Install kamailio proxy server on ubuntu

# firstly we need to install packages,

#  2 #  We should configure kamalio first time,  MYSQL db and  Configuration of  Kmctl

# 3 # Please  edit  also MYSQL connection configuration inside of

# !##


Please look at  /var/log/syslog