What is network and systemadministration?,Applying technology in an environment,The human role in systems
Ethical issues, Is systemadministration a discipline? ,The challenges of systemadministration,Common practice and good practice, Bugs and emergent phenomena,Themeta principles of systemadministration,Knowledge is a jigsaw puzzle,To the student ,
Some road-maps ,System components ,What is ‘the system’? , Handling hardware ,Operating systems ,Filesystems ,Processes and job control ,
Networks ,IPv4 networks, Address space in IPv4,IPv6 networks,
Networked communities,Communities and enterprises,
Policy blueprints, Systemuniformity, User behavior: socio-anthropology , Clients, servers and delegation,
, Host identities and name services, Common network sharingmodels,Local network orientation and analysis,
Host management ,Global view, local action,Physical considerations of server room,Computer startup and shutdown
,Configuring and personalizingworkstations , Installing a Unix disk, Installation of the operating system ,Software installation
Kernel customization ,User management Issues , User registration , Account policy , Login environment, User support services,
Controlling user resources, Online user services , Userwell-being , Ethical conduct of administrators and users , Computer usage policy ,
Models of network and system administration, Informationmodels and directory services, Systeminfrastructure organization, Network administrationmodels, Networkmanagement technologies,
Creating infrastructure .
6.7 Competition, immunity and convergence .
6.8 Policy and configuration automation .
6.9 IntegratingmultipleOSs
6.10 Amodel checklist
7 Configuration and maintenance
7.1 Systemconfiguration policy
7.2 Methods: controlling causes and symptoms .
7.3 Changemanagement
7.4 Declarative languages
7.5 Policy configuration and its ethical usage
7.6 Common assumptions: clock synchronization
7.7 Human–computer job scheduling .
7.8 Automation of host configuration .
7.9 Preventative host maintenance
7.10 SNMP tools
7.11 Cfengine
7.12 Database configurationmanagement .
8 Diagnostics, fault and change management
8.1 Fault tolerance and propagation
8.2 Networks and small worlds .
8.3 Causality and dependency .
8.4 Defining the system .
8.5 Faults .
8.6 Cause trees
8.7 Probabilistic fault trees .
8.8 Changemanagement revisited .
8.9 Game-theoretical strategy selection
8.10 Monitoring
8.11 Systemperformance tuning
8.12 Principles of quality assurance 324
9 Application-level services 331
9.1 Application-level services
9.2 Proxies and agents
9.3 Installing a new service .
9.4 Summoning daemons
9.5 Setting up the DNS nameservice .
9.6 Setting up aWWWserver
9.7 E-mail configuration .
9.8 OpenLDAP directory service
9.9 MountingNFS disks .
9.10 Samba .
9.11 The printer service
9.12 Java web and enterprise services .
10 Network-level services 391
10.1 The Internet .
10.2 A recap of networking concepts
10.3 Getting traffic to its destination
10.4 Alternative network transport technologies .
10.5 Alternative network connection technologies
10.6 IP routing and forwarding .
10.7 Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS)
10.8 Quality of Service
10.9 Competition or cooperation for service? .
10.10 Service Level Agreements
11 Principles of security
11.1 Four independent issues
11.2 Physical security .
11.3 Trust relationships .
11.4 Security policy and definition of security .
11.5 RFC 2196 and BS/ISO 17799 .
11.6 Systemfailuremodes
11.7 Preventing and minimizing failure modes
11.8 Somewell-known attacks
12 Security implementation 453
12.1 Systemdesign and normalization .
12.2 The recovery plan
12.3 Data integrity and protection
12.4 Authenticationmethods
12.5 Analyzing network security .
12.6 VPNs: secure shell and FreeS/WAN
12.7 Role-based security and capabilities .
12.8 WWW security
12.9 IPSec – secure IP .
12.10 Ordered access control and policy conflicts .
12.11 IP filtering for firewalls .
12.12 Firewalls .
12.13 Intrusion detection and forensics .
12.14 Compromisedmachines
13 Analytical system administration
13.1 Science vs technology
13.2 Studying complex systems .
13.3 The purpose of observation .
13.4 Evaluationmethods and problems
13.5 Evaluating a hierarchical system .
13.6 Deterministic and stochastic behavior
13.7 Observational errors .
13.8 Strategic analyses
13.9 Summary .
14 Summary and outlook
14.1 Informationmanagement in the future
14.2 Collaborationwith software engineering .
14.3 Pervasive computing .
14.4 The future of systemadministration .
A Some useful Unix commands
B Programming and compiling
B.1 Make
B.2 Perl .,WWW and CGI programming