Anroid 4.0.4 ainol Novo elf 2, Root Files Download- Tested

Rooting Steps:

1).Copy the file and paste it to TF card, then insert the TF card to Ainol Novo 7 Elf II.

2).Keep Ainol Novo 7 Elf II off and don’t connect power adaptor and cable. Press -volume and power buttons at the same time till the tablet is started.

3).Enter recovery update mode.

4).Use volume button to choose “apply update from sdcard” first and then choose “”, confirm your chosen with power button.

5).Choose “reboot system now” and restart Ainol Novo 7 Elf II.

elf2_feiyu_mod_ (0608)

* Based on official 0606 (main firmware)/0607 (upgrade kit)
* Deodexed And Zipaligned
* More smooth and optimized version of native Launcher
* Supports power on running etc/init.d script
* Pre-installed programs written to the data area, can be directly uninstalled
* Root And Super User
* Working Flash
* Full Google Play Store (+ other GApps)
* device name changed to GT-I9100 (Galaxy S2 for gaming)
* The browser homepage changed to Ainol official forum
* Several preinstalled utilitys/apps
* The default open ADB debugging, close the touch vibration
* Other optimizations
* Home key to back, long press for home
* Can be set to hide the notification bar, the default is set to auto-hide (change in settings-display)
* Change the recovery keys for volume keys move up and down, home button to confirm

* Please copy all files to the SD card
* Shut down then boot into recovery (Press and Hold the -Volume and power button for four seconds at the same time.)
* Do a full wipe in recovery (media , cache , data)
* Install elf2_feiyu_mod_(0608).zip,
* and then install the elf2_feiyu_mod_(0608)_update
* Reboot (Not sure if you need to wipe cache again before reboot???)
* Starts slow for the first time, please be patient


if  UPPER Links are  not working,,,

These links are working-  and files tested on ainol novo 7 elf 2,

rar pass :

1 Andorid_4.0.4_F-L_Superstore_Novo7-Elf-II-0626-repack-root-fullmarket-gapps.Firmware.UPDATE-hdmi+USB.part1
2 Andorid_4.0.4_F-L_Superstore_Novo7-Elf-II-0626-repack-root-fullmarket-gapps.Firmware.UPDATE-hdmi+USB.part2
3 Andorid_4.0.4_F-L_Superstore_Novo7-Elf-II-0626-repack-root-fullmarket-gapps.Firmware.UPDATE-hdmi+USB.part3
4 Andorid_4.0.4_F-L_Superstore_Novo7-Elf-II-0626-repack-root-fullmarket-gapps.Firmware.UPDATE-hdmi+USB.part4
5 Andorid_4.0.4_F-L_Superstore_Novo7-Elf-II-0626-repack-root-fullmarket-gapps.Firmware.UPDATE-hdmi+USB.part5
6 Andorid_4.0.4_F-L_Superstore_Novo7-Elf-II-0626-repack-root-fullmarket-gapps.Firmware.UPDATE-hdmi+USB.part6
7 Andorid_4.0.4_F-L_Superstore_Novo7-Elf-II-0626-repack-root-fullmarket-gapps.Firmware.UPDATE-hdmi+USB.part7
8 Andorid_4.0.4_F-L_Superstore_Novo7-Elf-II-0626-repack-root-fullmarket-gapps.Firmware.UPDATE-hdmi+USB.part8



Another Links,,,
Full Rom


Ainol Novo Elf 2 Root


Code::Blocks Settings for Qt Development , Linker, Search Directories

Qt is a cross-platform object oriented C++ framework for application development. KDE is written using Qt. And not surprisingly, KDE comes with native support for building Qt based applications. In KDE, KDevelop is the default IDE under Linux for creating Qt based applications. For smaller projects however, it seems that the feature richness of KDevelop is almost an overkill.

I personally like simplicity of Code::Blocks when writing small programs. Even though Code::Blocks does come with Qt support, you will have to tell it where Qt is installed before you can compile your code correctly. Like any other C++ environment, the two things you must provide are the include path and the linker path.

Install Qt4, please follow the instructions here. Here are the build options you need to add with the default Qt4 install:



As a bare minimum, you will need to set the libQtGui and libQtCore libraries paths. Note thatUbuntu 8.04 comes with Qt3 installed, when you specify the libraries you need to make sure you specify the ones with the correct version. In my example, the required Qt4 libraries are /usr/lib/ and /usr/lib/ You also need to specify where the include files can be found. For typical applications, /ur/incude/qt4 and /usr/include/qt4/QtGui are the paths you will need. If you want contextual help to be available, you will have to provide the search paths for the include files under “C/C++ parser options” tab in Project/targets options settings.

error “extra qualification ‘student::’ on member ‘student’ [-fpermissive] ”

I am getting an error extra qualification ‘student::’ on member ‘student’ [-fpermissive].
And also why name::name such syntax is used in constructor?

using namespace std;
class student
     int id;
     char name[30];
/*   void read()
        cout<<"enter id"<>id;
        cout<<"enter name"<>name;
     void show()

In-class definitions of member function(s)/constructor(s)/destructor don't require qualification such asstudent::.

So this code,


should be this:


The qualification student:: is required only if you define the member functions outside the class, usually in .cpp file.

NTLDR hatası, eksik, bozuk

Bu hata birçok sebepten dolayi olmus olabilir.

Boot alaninda bozukluklar
Isletim sistemin dosyalarindaki önemli sorunlar
Sabit disk kablolarindaki sorunlar
Yeni bir sabit disk eklenmesi sirasinda olasabilecek problemler
Bilgisayari önyüklenebilir olmayan bir kaynaktan boot etmek.
Hatali ya da yanlis Boot.ini dosyasi.
Boot edilecek sabit diskin bios ayarlarinda düzgün kurulmamasi ile ilgili sorunlar

Windows 7 ya da vista sürümli bir isletim sistemi kullaniyorsaniz. Isletim sistemi Dvd’sini sürücüye takin ve bilgisayarinizi dvd’den basltin. Onarma bölümünde komut satirini seçin. Burada Bootrec komutunu kullanacagiz.

Bootrec /Fixmbr komutu ile yeni bir Master Boot Record (MBR) olusturabilirsiniz.

Bootrec / Fixboot komut ve parametresi yeni bir önyükleme alani olusturur. Bu seçenegi bozulmus bir önyükleme alaniniz varsa ve NTLDR hatasini aliyorsaniz kullanabilrsiniz.

Bootrec / Scanost ile tüm önyükleme alanalrini tarayabilirsiniz.

Bootrec /RebuildBcd ile Bcd’yi yeniden olusturmak gerekiyorsa kullanabilirsiniz.

Windows Xp kullaniyorsaniz isletim sistemi cd’si ile bilgisayariniz baslatin. R tusu ile Onarmayi seçin. Komut satirinda chkdsk/r komutunu kullanin.

How to simple make file configuration

For Click : >>  Download  file Here :  Make_file_ch01

The mechanics of programming usually follow a fairly simple routine of editing
source files, compiling the source into an executable form, and debugging the result.
Although transforming the source into an executable is considered routine, if done
incorrectly a programmer can waste immense amounts of time tracking down the
problem. Most developers have experienced the frustration of modifying a function
and running the new code only to find that their change did not fix the bug. Later
they discover that they were never executing their modified function because of some
procedural error such as failing to recompile the source, relink the executable, or
rebuild a jar. Moreover, as the program’s complexity grows these mundane tasks can
become increasingly error-prone as different versions of the program are developed,
perhaps for other platforms or other versions of support libraries, etc.
The make program is intended to automate the mundane aspects of transforming
source code into an executable. The advantages of make over scripts is that you can
specify the relationships between the elements of your program to make, and it knows
through these relationships and timestamps exactly what steps need to be redone to
produce the desired program each time. Using this information, make can also opti-
mize the build process avoiding unnecessary steps.
GNU make (and other variants of make) do precisely this. make defines a language for
describing the relationships between source code, intermediate files, and executa-
bles. It also provides features to manage alternate configurations, implement reus-
able libraries of specifications, and parameterize processes with user-defined macros.
In short, make can be considered the center of the development process by providing
a roadmap of an application’s components and how they fit together.
The specification that make uses is generally saved in a file named makefile. Here is a
makefile to build the traditional “Hello, World” program:
hello: hello.c
gcc hello.c -o hello
To build the program execute make by typing:
$ make
at the command prompt of your favorite shell. This will cause the make program to
read the makefile and build the first target it finds there:
$ make
gcc hello.c -o hello
If a target is included as a command-line argument, that target is updated. If no com-
mand-line targets are given, then the first target in the file is used, called the default
Typically the default goal in most makefiles is to build a program. This usually
involves many steps. Often the source code for the program is incomplete and the
source must be generated using utilities such as flex or bison. Next the source is
compiled into binary object files (.o files for C/C++, .class files for Java, etc.). Then,
for C/C++, the object files are bound together by a linker (usually invoked through
the compiler, gcc) to form an executable program.
Modifying any of the source files and reinvoking make will cause some, but usually
not all, of these commands to be repeated so the source code changes are properly
incorporated into the executable. The specification file, or makefile, describes the
relationship between the source, intermediate, and executable program files so that
make can perform the minimum amount of work necessary to update the executable.
So the principle value of make comes from its ability to perform the complex series of
commands necessary to build an application and to optimize these operations when
possible to reduce the time taken by the edit-compile-debug cycle. Furthermore, make
is flexible enough to be used anywhere one kind of file depends on another from tra-
ditional programming in C/C++ to Java, TEX, database management, and more.



best pdf reader for ubuntu

Evince is the default PDF viewer in most GNOME-based Linux distributions, so if you don’t want to install all those KDE dependencies, Evince is probably your next choice. It’s lightweight, simple, and easy to use, though it doesn’t have too many advanced features. You can rotate PDFs, add bookmarks, and change the sidebar’s view mode, but other than that, you don’t have much. If all you’re doing is reading the occasional PDF, it’s great, but you won’t find any annotation features here.

Adobe Reader has a Linux version available, and as always, we don’t recommend it as your go-to reader. That said, it’s still the standard, which means if you ever have compatibility issues in something like Okular or Evince, Adobe Reader will probably handle it just fine. You don’t need to install it now, just know that if you ever have problems, it’s worth keeping in mind.

Lastly, it’s worth noting that lots of Windows PDF apps work great under WINE, including PDF X-ChangeFoxit, and Sumatra. So, while they won’t look fantastic under Linux, they’re great if you need some more advanced reading and editing tools, since most Linux apps are a bit lacking.

These aren’t the only PDF viewers for Linux, but they are, in our opinion, the best. If you’ve got a favorite we didn’t mention, let us know about it in the comments.