DNS server ip adresses Free Fast Public DNS Servers List

The most basic task of DNS is to translate hostnames such as theos.in to IP address such as In very simple terms, it can be compared to a phone book. DNS also has other important use such as email routing.

This is my list of better, fast public dns servers and free dns server (as compare to your ISP / DSL / ADSL / cable DNS service providers dns servers). These dns servers are free to all. I was able to improve my browsing speed with following DNS servers. Use any one of the following provider.

Free Public DNS Server

=> Service provider: Google
Google public dns server IP address:


=> Service provider:Dnsadvantage
Dnsadvantage free dns server list:


=> Service provider:OpenDNS
OpenDNS free dns server list / IP address:


=> Service provider:Norton
Norton free dns server list / IP address:


=> Service provider: GTEI DNS (now Verizon)
Public Name server IP address:


=> Service provider: ScrubIt
Public dns server address:


What is ‘the system ?

In system administration, the word system is used to refer both to the operating  system of a computer and often, collectively(toplu olarak) the set of all computers that cooperate  in a network. If we look at computer systems analytically, we would speak more precisely about human–computer systems:

Definition 1 (human–computer system). An organized collaboration between
humans and computers to solve a problem or provide a service. Although computers
are deterministic, humans are non-deterministic, so human–computer systems
are non-deterministic.

          For the machine part, one speaks of operating systems that govern the operation
of computers. The term operating system has no rigorously accepted definition.
Today, it is often thought of as the collection of all programs bundled with a
computer, combining both in a kernel of basic services and utilities for users;
some prefer to use the term more restrictively


C# console based application

The following program is a simple console based CSharp application. The program starts from the main() method. Create a new Console Application project and copy and paste the following C# source code.


C# and VB.NET

CSharp and VB.NET are the two primary languages used to program on the .NET Framework environment. Both languages are use the same framework and they both precompiled into the same byte code and then it is compiled and run at runtime. So we can say VB.NET and C# are functionally equivalent. Both C# and Visual Basic.NET share structural similarities with other modern high level languages such as Java and C++ .

But both have different in many features. Primarily keywords are different in each other language . C# is case sensitive while Visual Basic .NET is not. In VB.NET “Example” and “example” are same , but in CSHARP “Example” and “example” are two different variable names. Also it is good to remember that C# statements always terminated by a semicolon (;).

The following are some examples of differences between VB.NET and C#.

Single Line Comments


STM32 Timer Example

STM32 Timer Example

The STM32 Timer example program shows how to configure and use the timer TIM1 of STMicroelectronics STM32F103xx microcontroller.

TIM1 is configured to generate an update interrupt every 250 ms. The lit LED moves on every timer tick.

The configuration of the clocks and the timer TIM1 is done using the Configuration Wizard in file STM32_Init.c.

Two Vision targets are available:

Simulator where the program runs in the software simulator.
MCBSTM32 where the program runs from internal Flash located on the microcontroller.


Posted in STM

Convert string to char