NTP server install on linux

I installed NTP server on Ubuntu Server 10.04 using:

The NTP daemon seems working and listening on the 123 port.

However, I was not able to get the time from another machine:

Remove  previous version


If you have ntpd installed on another machine, you can use your first server in the servers list of your ntp.conf file, or can synchronize one time with the -q option, as follows:


NFS Server and Client Installation on CentOS 7

The NFS server exposes the internal directory as the /export folder, which is bind-mounted on the host. The Docker host then mounts this folder using the NFS protocol to its /mnt folder. Then a so-called infrastructure container is created which binds the mount folder.

For Ubuntu :


NFS server on CentOS 7.

Network File System (NFS) is a popular distributed filesystem protocol that enables users to mount remote directories on their server.

hostname server1.example.com and IP as


Now create the

Now we will share the NFS directory over the network a follows:

nano /etc/exports

We will make two sharing points  /home and /var/nfsshare. Edit the exports file as follows:

Note is the IP of client machine, if you wish that any other client should access it you need to add the it IP wise other wise you can add “*” instead of IP for all IP access.

Condition is that it must be pingable at both ends.

start the NFS service:

Again we need to add the NFS service override in CentOS 7 firewall-cmd public zone service as:

Now we are ready with the NFS server part.

Client Side


Permanent NFS mounting

Add the entries like this:

Note is the server NFS-share  IP address, it will vary in your case.

This will make the permanent mount of the NFS-share.



How to add init script as a service

1. You need to create a script file inside of

We will add this script to chkconfig

After list the CHKconfig LIST

Start the service

Example Init Script


Other Method  , Soon  :__)



How to disable directory listing in Apache or HTTPd

Where is the config file
>>> httpd.conf


sendmail bash script to send mail

# send mail config



mail command send mail


Godaddy Ssmtp Server Configuration

After the installing  SMTP server   you need this configurations