Demonstrate a value type constraint


using System;

struct MyStruct {

class MyClass {

class Test<T> where T : struct {
  T obj;

  public Test(T x) {
    obj = x;

class Test {
  public static void Main() {
    Test<MyStruct> x = new Test<MyStruct>(new MyStruct());
    Test<int> y = new Test<int>(10);

    // But, the following declaration is illegal!
//    Test<MyClass> z = new Test<MyClass>(new MyClass());

Demonstrate a reference constraint


using System;
class MyClass {

class Test<T> where T : class {
  T obj;

  public Test() {
    // The following statement is legal only
    // because T is guaranteed to be a reference
    // type, which can be assigned the value null.
    obj = null;
  public void print(){

class ClassConstraintDemo {
  public static void Main() {

    Test<MyClass> x = new Test<MyClass>();

    // The next line is in error because int is
    // a value type.
//    Test<int> y = new Test<int>();

A new() constructor constraint


using System;

class MyClass {

  public MyClass() {


class Test<T> where T : new() {
  T obj;

  public Test() {
    // This works because of the new() constraint.
    obj = new T(); // create a T object

class ConsConstraintDemo {
  public static void Main() {

    Test<MyClass> x = new Test<MyClass>();


Use an interface constraint


using System;

class NotFoundException : ApplicationException { }

public interface IPhoneNumber {
  string Number {

  string Name {

class Friend : IPhoneNumber {
  string name;
  string number;

  public Friend(string n, string num) {
    name = n;
    number = num;

  public string Number {
    get { return number; }
    set { number = value; }

  public string Name {
    get { return name; }
    set { name = value; }

class Supplier : IPhoneNumber {
  string name;
  string number;

  public Supplier(string n, string num) {
    name = n;
    number = num;
  public string Number {
    get { return number; }
    set { number = value; }

  public string Name {
    get { return name; }
    set { name = value; }

class EmailFriend {

class PhoneList<T> where T : IPhoneNumber {
  T[] phList;
  int end;

  public PhoneList() {
    phList = new T[10];
    end = 0;

  public bool add(T newEntry) {
    if(end == 10) return false;

    phList[end] = newEntry;

    return true;

  public T findByName(string name) {

    for(int i=0; i<end; i++) {

      if(phList&#91;i&#93;.Name == name)
        return phList&#91;i&#93;;

    throw new NotFoundException();
  public T findByNumber(string number) {

    for(int i=0; i<end; i++) {
      if(phList&#91;i&#93;.Number == number)
        return phList&#91;i&#93;;
    throw new NotFoundException();

class Test {
  public static void Main() {

    PhoneList<Friend> plist = new PhoneList<Friend>();
    plist.add(new Friend("A", "555-1111"));
    plist.add(new Friend("B", "555-6666"));
    plist.add(new Friend("C", "555-9999"));

    try {
      Friend frnd = plist.findByName("B");

      Console.Write(frnd.Name + ": " + frnd.Number);

    } catch(NotFoundException) {
      Console.WriteLine("Not Found");


    PhoneList<Supplier> plist2 = new PhoneList<Supplier>();
    plist2.add(new Supplier("D", "555-4444"));
    plist2.add(new Supplier("E", "555-3333"));
    plist2.add(new Supplier("F", "555-2222"));

    try {
      Supplier sp = plist2.findByNumber("555-2222");
      Console.WriteLine(sp.Name + ": " + sp.Number);
    } catch(NotFoundException) {
        Console.WriteLine("Not Found");

    //PhoneList<EmailFriend> plist3 = new PhoneList<EmailFriend>(); 

A base class constraint


using System;

class MyBase {
  public void hello() {

class B : MyBase { }

class C { }

class Test<T> where T : MyBase {
  T obj;

  public Test(T o) {
    obj = o;

  public void sayHello() {

class BaseClassConstraintDemo {
  public static void Main() {
    MyBase a = new MyBase();
    B b = new B();
    C c = new C();

    Test<MyBase> t1 = new Test<MyBase>(a);


    Test<B> t2 = new Test<B>(b);


    // The following is invalid because
    // C does not inherit MyBase.
    // Test<C> t3 = new Test<C>(c); // Error!


Combination of Overriding Generic Methods


Base Method    Derived Method        Comments

Nongeneric     Generic (open)        Permitted

Nongeneric     Generic (closed)      Permitted

Generic (open) Nongeneric            Not permitted

Generic (open) Generic (open)        Permitted; must use the same type parameters

Generic (open) Generic (closed)      Not permitted

Generic (closed) Nongeneric          Permitted

Generic (closed) Generic (closed)    Permitted

Generic (closed)  Generic (open)     Not permitted