Sample for String.Compare(String, Int32, String, Int32, Int32, Boolean), Honor case

using System;

class Sample {
    public static void Main() {
        String str1 = "this is a test";
        String str2 = "This is a test";
        String str;
        int result;
        Console.WriteLine("Honor case:");
        result = String.Compare(str1, 2, str2, 2, 2, false);
        str = ((result < 0) ? "less than" : ((result > 0) ? "greater than" : "equal to"));
        Console.Write("Substring &#039;{0}&#039; in &#039;{1}&#039; is ", str1.Substring(2, 2), str1);
        Console.Write("{0} ", str);
        Console.WriteLine("substring &#039;{0}&#039; in &#039;{1}&#039;.", str2.Substring(2, 2), str2);


Sample for String.Compare(String, Int32, String, Int32, Int32, Boolean), ignore case

using System;

class Sample {
    public static void Main() {
        String str1 = "this is a test";
        String str2 = "This is a test";
        String str;
        int result;
        result = String.Compare(str1, 2, str2, 2, 2, true);
        str = ((result < 0) ? "less than" : ((result > 0) ? "greater than" : "equal to"));
        Console.Write("Substring &#039;{0}&#039; in &#039;{1}&#039; is ", str1.Substring(2, 2), str1);
        Console.Write("{0} ", str);
        Console.WriteLine("substring &#039;{0}&#039; in &#039;{1}&#039;.", str2.Substring(2, 2), str2);


String copy and equal

Learning C# 
by Jesse Liberty

Publisher: O&#039;Reilly 
ISBN: 0596003765
 using System;

 namespace StringManipulation
    public class TesterStringCopyEqual
       public void Run()
           string s1 = "abcd";
           string s2 = "ABCD";

           // the string copy method
           string s5 = string.Copy(s2);
               "s5 copied from s2: {0}", s5);

           // copy with the overloaded operator
           string s6 = s5;
           Console.WriteLine("s6 = s5: {0}", s6);

           // member method
Does s6.Equals(s5)?: {0}",

           // static method
               "Does Equals(s6,s5)?: {0}",

           // overloaded operator
               "Does s6==s5?: {0}", s6 == s5);

       static void Main()
          TesterStringCopyEqual t = new TesterStringCopyEqual();


Compare strings

C#: The Complete Reference 
by Herbert Schildt 

Publisher: Osborne/McGraw-Hill (March 8, 2002)
ISBN: 0072134852

// Compare strings. 
using System; 
public class CompareDemo { 
  public static void Main() { 
    string str1 = "one"; 
    string str2 = "one"; 
    string str3 = "ONE"; 
    string str4 = "two"; 
    string str5 = "one, too"; 
    if(String.Compare(str1, str2) == 0) 
      Console.WriteLine(str1 + " and " + str2 + 
                        " are equal."); 
      Console.WriteLine(str1 + " and " + str2 + 
                        " are not equal."); 
    if(String.Compare(str1, str3) == 0) 
      Console.WriteLine(str1 + " and " + str3 + 
                        " are equal."); 
      Console.WriteLine(str1 + " and " + str3 + 
                        " are not equal."); 
    if(String.Compare(str1, str3, true) == 0) 
      Console.WriteLine(str1 + " and " + str3 + 
                        " are equal ignoring case."); 
      Console.WriteLine(str1 + " and " + str3 + 
                        " are not equal ignoring case."); 
     if(String.Compare(str1, str5) == 0) 
      Console.WriteLine(str1 + " and " + str5 + 
                        " are equal."); 
      Console.WriteLine(str1 + " and " + str5 + 
                        " are not equal."); 
    if(String.Compare(str1, 0, str5, 0, 3) == 0) 
      Console.WriteLine("First part of " + str1 + " and " + 
                        str5 + " are equal."); 
      Console.WriteLine("First part of " + str1 + " and " + 
                        str5 + " are not equal."); 
    int result = String.Compare(str1, str4); 
    if(result < 0) 
      Console.WriteLine(str1 + " is less than " + str4); 
    else if(result > 0) 
      Console.WriteLine(str1 + " is greater than " + str4); 
      Console.WriteLine(str1 + " equals " + str4); 


Comparing a String to the Beginning or End of a Second String


using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Text;
class Class1{
        static void Main(string[] args){
      string head = "str";
      string test = "strVarName";

      string tail = "Name";
      test = "strVarName";
      head = "str";
      test = "strVarName";
      Console.WriteLine(string.Compare(head, 0, test, 0, head.Length, true));

      tail = "Name";
      test = "strVarName";
      Console.WriteLine(string.Compare(tail, 0, test, (test.Length - tail.Length), tail.Length, true));


use the Compare() method to compare strings

using System;

class MainClass {

    public static void Main() {

        int result;
        result = String.Compare("bbc", "abc");
        Console.WriteLine("String.Compare("bbc", "abc") = " + result);
        result = String.Compare("abc", "bbc");
        Console.WriteLine("String.Compare("abc", "bbc") = " + result);
        result = String.Compare("bbc", "bbc");
        Console.WriteLine("String.Compare("bbc", "bbc") = " + result);
        result = String.Compare("bbc", "BBC", true);
        Console.WriteLine("String.Compare("bbc", "BBC", true) = " + result);
        result = String.Compare("bbc", "BBC", false);
        Console.WriteLine("String.Compare("bbc", "BBC", false) = " + result);
        result = String.Compare("Hello World", 6, "Goodbye World", 8, 5);
        Console.WriteLine("String.Compare("Hello World", 6, " + ""Goodbye World", 8, 5) = " + result);