30 Best Examples of JavaScript events and Jquery Samples

Example 1 (Append div)

Example 2 (Iframe inside of div)

Example 3 (Put inner div scrollable inside of outer div)

Example 4 ( Open and close Div  with  Javascript   style   )

Example 5 (  Open Popup with JS)

Example 6 ( Open page inside of DIV )

Example 7 ( Change Style of  DIV  by JS show and hide a DIV)

Example 8 ( Open page inside of DIV )

Example 9 ( Show or HIDE a dive  with javascript  )


Example 10 ( Open new window with Attribute of   “a” Tag  which url is  google.com  )


Example 11 (   JQX Widgets Repository  for the    Library  example JS codes )



Example 12 (  Table sort order library examples  )

Other example https://mottie.github.io/tablesorter/docs/example-option-sortreset-sortrestart.html

JS Code


HTML code

Example 13 ( Create event for  a tag html with jquery, click url an open window js )

Example 14 (  )



Example 15 ( )



Example 16 (  )



Example 17 ( )



Example 18 (  )


Example 19 ( )

Example 20 (  )

Example 15 ( )

Example 14 (  )



Example 15 ( )

Example 14 (  )

Example 15 ( )

Example 14 (  )



Example 15 ( )

Example 14 (  )

Example 15 ( )





Jaxb JAVA data types


XML Schema Type Java Data Type
xsd:string java.lang.String
xsd:integer java.math.BigInteger
xsd:int int
xsd.long long
xsd:short short
xsd:decimal java.math.BigDecimal
xsd:float float
xsd:double double
xsd:boolean boolean
xsd:byte byte
xsd:QName javax.xml.namespace.QName
xsd:dateTime javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar
xsd:base64Binary byte[]
xsd:hexBinary byte[]
xsd:unsignedInt long
xsd:unsignedShort int
xsd:unsignedByte short
xsd:time javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar
xsd:date javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar
xsd:g javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar
xsd:anySimpleType java.lang.Object
xsd:anySimpleType java.lang.String
xsd:duration javax.xml.datatype.Duration
xsd:NOTATION javax.xml.namespace.QName

Creation of the other Company,





Php show errors


Php mailer


Download  it  here : PHPMailer_5.2.4

Another Examples:





Php Smarty template lib

It is perfect template lib for php developers,  Easy to develop specific projects and increase speed of the project.

Code Example :

Of course  you should install your smarty  to your server. 

Quick Smarty Install
In Debian Etch:

Now you have a Smarty install. To use it, you’ll need PHP code to drive Smarty. I’ll include a sample bit of PHP code that I was working on with Mike A:


Now, for Smarty to operate you need to supply some directories (i.e. template_dir, compile_dir, cache_dir, config_dir). compile_dir and cache_dir need to writeable by the web server user so in Debian something like:

Write default.tpl into $DIR/smarty/templates/default.tpl . For example,

* 1.  Download smarty packages

* 2.  Extract  them somewhere else

* 3 . Write extration path to inside of  php.ini file,   include_path

* 4. then restart httpd

5 . Create   php file ,     (write template folder path )

6. Create Template file .




Now, moving from here would be something like:

1. Writing code to check for a navbar.txt in the current direction. If not found, stuff navbar Smarty tag with “Back up a level” that moves up one subdirectory (i.e. go to /directory/index.html if you were are /directory/author.html, and go to /index.html when you were are /directory/index.html, etc.)
2. Could proceed by designing a number of templates in Smarty for the same basic content – i.e. skin-bluesteel.tpl and then providing a user interface to switch templates.
3. Perhaps eliminate filesystem reliance and put URL’s into a database.

Map /directory to /directory/index.html, similar with /.

If not in database, display a generic 404 error. You can develop this script by calling it like
/database-script-were-writing.php/directory/index.html and then looking into
PATH_INFO from the server which will contain /directory/index.html .

Once you have this perfected, you set up apache with something like
“Alias / /var/www-sites.d/malborn.kutayzorlu.com/database-script-were-writing.php”

and everything should pretty much just work.

PHP mycryp and Mysql Togetger