create new view


This view  should be in   “Shared Folder”

Otherwise it can give error ,  “The view or its master was not found or no view engine supports the searched locations”

1- Controller Name is important,

if you do not have the file inside of   “view folder ” ,
 it will look shared,   . Firstly  it is looking

 >>    “view folder/ControllerName/Filename”


Creating New MVC Project

new MVC project,

File > New  > Project > MVC 4 project.

1- Select  ASPX instead of  RAZOR Syntax,

2- Remove all of Other Content of  Directories

— How to add Controller and  return string,  Which URL

>> Add new Controller !!!    url   localhost/ControllerNAME/



– How MVC calling controller, ?

Global.asax Fil e     calling route table, after route table calling controllers


Route Config.cs  > Called by Global.asax



Context Parameter with remote port


Please check the port  with linux Terminal


How to compile java over terminal, command line , Run java file

1. You need to check, java version with this command

2. Compile the code

3. Run The compiled

How to compile java over terminal, command line , Run java file

1. You need to check, java version with this command

$ java -version


2. Compile the code

$ javac …… …


3. Run The compiled

$ java -jar compiled.jar