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grep -Rs search query /some/directory/* |
everything that webmaster need.
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get courses
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require_once ('../MoodleWS.php'); $moodle=new MoodleWS(); require_once ('../auth.php'); /**test code for MoodleWS: Get Courses Information * @param integer $client * @param string $sesskey * @param (getCoursesInput) array of string $courseids * @param string $idfield * @return getCoursesReturn */ $lr=$moodle->login(LOGIN,PASSWORD); $courseids=array(); //all courses that LOGIN user can see // $courseids=array("chem101","phys101"); //o nly these 2 $res=$moodle->get_courses($lr->getClient(),$lr->getSessionKey(),$courseids,'id_number'); print_r($res); print($res->getCourses()); $moodle->logout($lr->getClient(),$lr->getSessionKey()); |
moodle smtp settings configuration on php
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[SMTP] enabled=true internal_object_host=lsl.opensim.local host_domain_header_from= SMTP_SERVER_HOSTNAME= SMTP_SERVER_PORT=25 SMTP_SERVER_LOGIN="postfix username" SMTP_SERVER_PASSWORD="postfix password" |
login script moodle
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<?php include(‘config.php’); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $username = ‘username’; $newpassword = ‘newpassword’; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if ($userobj = get_record_select(‘user’, "username=’$username’", ‘id, password’)) { $userobj->password = md5($newpassword); update_record(‘user’, $userobj); echo ‘Password changed’; } else { echo ‘Invalid username’; } ?> |
Create a web service function that enrols a user in a course, without knowing the id of the user, or the contextid of the course
Affects Version/s:2.0.2
Fix Version/s:None
Component/s:Web Services
enrol_user(array $user, array $course, array $role)
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enrol_user(array('username' =&gt; 'chrisf') , array('shortname' =&gt; 'PHP 101'), array('shortname' =&gt; 'student') ); enrol_user(array('idnumber' =&gt; '0123456'), array('idnumber' =&gt; '2010-2012-PHP101'), array('id' =&gt; '3') ); enrol_user(array('email' =&gt; 'chrisf@example.com'), array('fullname' =&gt; 'Introduction to PHP programming'), array('name' =&gt; 'Student') ); |
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moodleDir/enrol/manual/externallib.php /** * Returns description of method parameters * @return external_function_parameters */ public static function manual_enrol_users_by_name_parameters() { return new external_function_parameters( array( 'enrolments' =&gt; new external_multiple_structure( new external_single_structure( array( 'roleid' =&gt; new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'Role to assign to the user'), 'username' =&gt; new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'The user that is going to be enrolled'), 'coursename' =&gt; new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'The course to enrol the user role in'), 'timestart' =&gt; new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'Timestamp when the enrolment start', VALUE_OPTIONAL), 'timeend' =&gt; new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'Timestamp when the enrolment end', VALUE_OPTIONAL), 'suspend' =&gt; new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'set to 1 to suspend the enrolment', VALUE_OPTIONAL) ) ) ) ) ); } /** * Enrolment of users * Function throw an exception at the first error encountered. * @param array $enrolments An array of user enrolment * @return null */ public static function manual_enrol_users_by_name($enrolments) { global $DB, $CFG; require_once($CFG-&gt;libdir . '/enrollib.php'); $params = self::validate_parameters(self::manual_enrol_users_parameters(), array('enrolments' =&gt; $enrolments)); $transaction = $DB-&gt;start_delegated_transaction(); //rollback all enrolment if an error occurs //(except if the DB doesn't support it) //retrieve the manual enrolment plugin $enrol = enrol_get_plugin('manual'); if (empty($enrol)) { throw new moodle_exception('manualpluginnotinstalled', 'enrol_manual'); } foreach ($params['enrolments'] as $enrolment) { // Ensure the current user is allowed to run this function in the enrolment context $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $enrolment['courseid']); self::validate_context($context); //check that the user has the permission to manual enrol require_capability('enrol/manual:enrol', $context); //throw an exception if user is not able to assign the role $roles = get_assignable_roles($context); if (!key_exists($enrolment['roleid'], $roles)) { $errorparams = new stdClass(); $errorparams-&gt;roleid = $enrolment['roleid']; $errorparams-&gt;coursename = $enrolment['coursename']; $errorparams-&gt;username = $enrolment['username']; throw new moodle_exception('wsusercannotassign', 'enrol_manual', '', $errorparams); } //convert coursename to courseid $courses = $DB-&gt;get_records_list('course', 'shortname', $enrolment['coursename']); if(count($courses) &lt; 1){ //error no returned courses $errorparams = new stdClass(); $errorparams-&gt;roleid = $enrolment['roleid']; $errorparams-&gt;coursename = $enrolment['shortname']; throw new moodle_exception('wsnocourse', 'enrol_manual', '', $errorparams); } $enrolment['courseid'] = $courses[0]-&gt;id; //convert username to userid $users = user_get_users_by_username($enrolment['username']); if(count($users) &lt; 1){ //error no returned users $errorparams = new stdClass(); $errorparams-&gt;roleid = $enrolment['roleid']; $errorparams-&gt;username = $enrolment['username']; throw new moodle_exception('wsnouser', 'enrol_manual', '', $errorparams); } $enrolment['userid'] = $users[0]-&gt;id; //check manual enrolment plugin instance is enabled/exist $enrolinstances = enrol_get_instances($enrolment['courseid'], true); foreach ($enrolinstances as $courseenrolinstance) { if ($courseenrolinstance-&gt;enrol == &quot;manual&quot;) { $instance = $courseenrolinstance; break; } } if (empty($instance)) { $errorparams = new stdClass(); $errorparams-&gt;courseid = $enrolment['courseid']; throw new moodle_exception('wsnoinstance', 'enrol_manual', $errorparams); } //check that the plugin accept enrolment (it should always the case, it's hard coded in the plugin) if (!$enrol-&gt;allow_enrol($instance)) { $errorparams = new stdClass(); $errorparams-&gt;roleid = $enrolment['roleid']; $errorparams-&gt;courseid = $enrolment['courseid']; $errorparams-&gt;userid = $enrolment['userid']; throw new moodle_exception('wscannotenrol', 'enrol_manual', '', $errorparams); } //finally proceed the enrolment $enrolment['timestart'] = isset($enrolment['timestart']) ? $enrolment['timestart'] : 0; $enrolment['timeend'] = isset($enrolment['timeend']) ? $enrolment['timeend'] : 0; $enrolment['status'] = (isset($enrolment['suspend']) &amp;&amp; !empty($enrolment['suspend'])) ? ENROL_USER_SUSPENDED : ENROL_USER_ACTIVE; $enrol-&gt;enrol_user($instance, $enrolment['userid'], $enrolment['roleid'], $enrolment['timestart'], $enrolment['timeend'], $enrolment['status']); } $transaction-&gt;allow_commit(); } /** * Returns description of method result value * @return external_description */ public static function manual_enrol_users_by_name_returns() { return null; } |
Besides this chunk I also added in some extra error messages:
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$string['wsnouser'] = 'Cannot find a user by username ({$a-&gt;username}).'; $string['wsnocourse'] = 'Cannot find a course by shortname ({$a-&gt;shortname}).'; |