Demonstrates the use of a simple interface



C# Programming Tips & Techniques
by Charles Wright, Kris Jamsa

Publisher: Osborne/McGraw-Hill (December 28, 2001)
ISBN: 0072193794
// IntrFace.cs -- demonstrates the use of a simple interface
//                Compile this program with the following command line:
//                    C:>csc IntrFace.cs
using System;

namespace nsInterface
    interface IPlane
        double Area
    interface ISolid
        double Volume

    class clsCircle : IPlane
        public clsCircle (double radius)
            m_Radius = radius;
        public double Area
            get {return (3.14159 * m_Radius * m_Radius);}
        private double m_Radius;

        public override string ToString ()
            return ("Area = " + Area);
    class clsSphere : IPlane, ISolid
        public clsSphere (double radius)
            m_Radius = radius;
        public double Area
            get {return (4 * 3.14159 * m_Radius * m_Radius);}
        public double Volume
            get {return (4 * 3.14159 * m_Radius * m_Radius * m_Radius / 3);}
        private double m_Radius;

        public override string ToString ()
            return ("Area = " + Area + ", " + "Volume = " + Volume);

    public class IntrFace
        static public void Main ()
            clsCircle circle = new clsCircle (14.2);
            clsSphere sphere = new clsSphere (16.8);
            Console.WriteLine ("For the circle: " + circle);
            Console.WriteLine ("For the sphere: " + sphere);


illustrates interface member hiding



Mastering Visual C# .NET
by Jason Price, Mike Gunderloy

Publisher: Sybex;
ISBN: 0782129110

  Example8_8.cs illustrates interface member hiding

using System;

// define the IDrivable interface
public interface IDrivable
  void TurnLeft();

// define the ISteerable interface (derived from IDrivable)
public interface ISteerable : IDrivable
  new void TurnLeft();  // hides TurnLeft() in IDrivable

// Car class implements the IMovable interface
class Car : ISteerable

  // explicitly implement the TurnLeft() method of the ISteerable interface
  void ISteerable.TurnLeft()
    Console.WriteLine("ISteerable implementation of TurnLeft()");

  // implement the TurnLeft() method of the IDrivable interface
  public void TurnLeft()
    Console.WriteLine("IDrivable implementation of TurnLeft()");


public class Example8_8

  public static void Main()

    // create a Car object
    Car myCar = new Car();

    // call myCar.TurnLeft()
    Console.WriteLine("Calling myCar.TurnLeft()");

    // cast myCar to ISteerable
    ISteerable mySteerable = myCar as ISteerable;
    Console.WriteLine("Calling mySteerable.TurnLeft()");

    // cast myCar to IDrivable
    IDrivable myDrivable = myCar as IDrivable;
    Console.WriteLine("Calling myDrivable.TurnLeft()");




illustrates an explicit interface member implementation



Mastering Visual C# .NET
by Jason Price, Mike Gunderloy

Publisher: Sybex;
ISBN: 0782129110

  Example8_7.cs illustrates an explicit interface member

using System;

// define the IDrivable interface
public interface IDrivable
  void TurnLeft();

// define the ISteerable interface
public interface ISteerable
  void TurnLeft();

// Car class implements the IMovable interface
class Car : IDrivable, ISteerable

  // explicitly implement the TurnLeft() method of the IDrivable interface
  void IDrivable.TurnLeft()
    Console.WriteLine("IDrivable implementation of TurnLeft()");

  // implement the TurnLeft() method of the ISteerable interface
  public void TurnLeft()
    Console.WriteLine("ISteerable implementation of TurnLeft()");


public class Example8_7

  public static void Main()

    // create a Car object
    Car myCar = new Car();

    // call myCar.TurnLeft()
    Console.WriteLine("Calling myCar.TurnLeft()");

    // cast myCar to IDrivable
    IDrivable myDrivable = myCar as IDrivable;
    Console.WriteLine("Calling myDrivable.TurnLeft()");

    // cast myCar to ISteerable
    ISteerable mySteerable = myCar as ISteerable;
    Console.WriteLine("Calling mySteerable.TurnLeft()");




illustrates deriving an interface from multiple interfaces



Mastering Visual C# .NET
by Jason Price, Mike Gunderloy

Publisher: Sybex;
ISBN: 0782129110
  Example8_6.cs illustrates deriving an
  interface from multiple interfaces

using System;

public class Example8_6

  public static void Main()

    // create a Car object
    Car myCar = new Car();

    // call myCar.Start()
    Console.WriteLine("Calling myCar.Start()");

    // call myCar.TurnLeft()
    Console.WriteLine("Calling myCar.TurnLeft()");

    // call myCar.Accelerate()
    Console.WriteLine("Calling myCar.Accelerate()");



// define the IDrivable interface
public interface IDrivable

  // method declarations
  void Start();
  void Stop();

  // property declaration
  bool Started


// define the ISteerable interface
public interface ISteerable

  // method declarations
  void TurnLeft();
  void TurnRight();


// define the IMovable interface (derived from IDrivable and ISteerable)
public interface IMovable : IDrivable, ISteerable

  // method declarations
  void Accelerate();
  void Brake();


// Car class implements the IMovable interface
public class Car : IMovable

  // declare the underlying field used by the
  // Started property of the IDrivable interface
  private bool started = false;

  // implement the Start() method of the IDrivable interface
  public void Start()
    Console.WriteLine("car started");
    started = true;

  // implement the Stop() methodof the IDrivable interface
  public void Stop()
    Console.WriteLine("car stopped");
    started = false;

  // implement the Started property of the IDrivable interface
  public bool Started
      return started;

  // implement the TurnLeft() method of the ISteerable interface
  public void TurnLeft()
    Console.WriteLine("car turning left");
  // implement the TurnRight() method of the ISteerable interface
  public void TurnRight()
    Console.WriteLine("car turning right");

  // implement the Accelerate() method of the IMovable interface
  public void Accelerate()
    Console.WriteLine("car accelerating");
  // implement the Brake() method of the IMovable interface
  public void Brake()
    Console.WriteLine("car braking");



illustrates deriving an interface from one interface



Mastering Visual C# .NET
by Jason Price, Mike Gunderloy

Publisher: Sybex;
ISBN: 0782129110

  Example8_5.cs illustrates deriving an
  interface from one interface

using System;

// define the IDrivable interface
interface IDrivable

  // method declarations
  void Start();
  void Stop();

  // property declaration
  bool Started


// define the IMovable interface (derived from IDrivable)
interface IMovable : IDrivable

  // method declarations
  void Accelerate();
  void Brake();


// Car class implements the IMovable interface
class Car : IMovable

  // declare the underlying field used by the
  // Started property of the IDrivable interface
  private bool started = false;

  // implement the Start() method of the IDrivable interface
  public void Start()
    Console.WriteLine("car started");
    started = true;

  // implement the Stop() methodof the IDrivable interface
  public void Stop()
    Console.WriteLine("car stopped");
    started = false;

  // implement the Started property of the IDrivable interface
  public bool Started
      return started;

  // implement the Accelerate() method of the IMovable interface
  public void Accelerate()
    Console.WriteLine("car accelerating");
  // implement the Brake() method of the IMovable interface
  public void Brake()
    Console.WriteLine("car braking");


public class Example8_5

  public static void Main()

    // create a Car object
    Car myCar = new Car();

    // call myCar.Start()
    Console.WriteLine("Calling myCar.Start()");

    // call myCar.Accelerate()
    Console.WriteLine("Calling myCar.Accelerate()");




illustrates casting an object to an interface



Mastering Visual C# .NET
by Jason Price, Mike Gunderloy

Publisher: Sybex;
ISBN: 0782129110
  Example8_4.cs illustrates casting an object
  to an interface

using System;

// define the IDrivable interface
interface IDrivable

  // method declarations
  void Start();
  void Stop();

  // property declaration
  bool Started


// Car class implements the IDrivable interface
class Car : IDrivable

  // declare the underlying field used by the Started property
  private bool started = false;

  // implement the Start() method
  public void Start()
    Console.WriteLine("car started");
    started = true;

  // implement the Stop() method
  public void Stop()
    Console.WriteLine("car stopped");
    started = false;

  // implement the Started property
  public bool Started
      return started;

public class Example8_4

  public static void Main()

    // create a Car object
    Car myCar = new Car();

    // use the is operator to check that myCar supports the
    // IDrivable interface
    if (myCar is IDrivable)
      Console.WriteLine("myCar supports IDrivable");

    // cast the Car object to IDrivable
    IDrivable myDrivable = (IDrivable) myCar;

    // call myDrivable.Start()
    Console.WriteLine("Calling myDrivable.Start()");
    Console.WriteLine("myDrivable.Started = " +

    // call myDrivable.Stop()
    Console.WriteLine("Calling myDrivable.Stop()");
    Console.WriteLine("myDrivable.Started = " +

    // cast the Car object to IDrivable using the as operator
    IDrivable myDrivable2 = myCar as IDrivable;
    if (myDrivable2 != null)
      Console.WriteLine("Calling myDrivable2.Start()");
      Console.WriteLine("Calling myDrivable2.Stop()");
      Console.WriteLine("myDrivable2.Started = " +




illustrates inheriting from a class and implementing multiple interfaces



Mastering Visual C# .NET
by Jason Price, Mike Gunderloy

Publisher: Sybex;
ISBN: 0782129110
  Example8_3.cs illustrates inheriting from a class and
  implementing multiple interfaces

using System;

interface IDrivable

  // method declarations
  void Start();
  void Stop();

  // property declaration
  bool Started


interface ISteerable

  // method declarations
  void TurnLeft();
  void TurnRight();


class MotorVehicle

  // declare the field
  private string model;

  // define a constructor
  public MotorVehicle(string model)
    this.model = model;

  // declare a property
  public string Model
      return model;
      model = value;


// Car class inherits from the MotorVehicle class and
// implements the IDrivable and ISteerable interfaces
class Car : MotorVehicle, IDrivable, ISteerable

  // declare the underlying field used by the
  // Started property of the IDrivable interface
  private bool started = false;

  // define a constructor
  public Car(string model) :
  base(model)   // calls the base class constructor
    // do nothing

  // implement the Start() method of the IDrivable interface
  public void Start()
    Console.WriteLine("car started");
    started = true;

  // implement the Stop() methodof the IDrivable interface
  public void Stop()
    Console.WriteLine("car stopped");
    started = false;

  // implement the Started property of the IDrivable interface
  public bool Started
      return started;

  // implement the TurnLeft() method of the ISteerable interface
  public void TurnLeft()
    Console.WriteLine("car turning left");
  // implement the TurnRight() method of the ISteerable interface
  public void TurnRight()
    Console.WriteLine("car turning right");


public class Example8_3

  public static void Main()

    // create a Car object
    Car myCar = new Car("MR2");

    Console.WriteLine("myCar.Model = " + myCar.Model);

    // call myCar.Start()
    Console.WriteLine("Calling myCar.Start()");

    // call myCar.TurnLeft()
    Console.WriteLine("Calling myCar.TurnLeft()");

