A multilevel hierarchy 1



C#: The Complete Reference 
by Herbert Schildt 

Publisher: Osborne/McGraw-Hill (March 8, 2002)
ISBN: 0072134852

// A multilevel hierarchy. 
using System; 
class TwoDShape { 
  double pri_width;  // private 
  double pri_height; // private  
  // Default constructor. 
  public TwoDShape() { 
    width = height = 0.0; 
  // Constructor for TwoDShape. 
  public TwoDShape(double w, double h) { 
    width = w; 
    height = h; 
  // Construct object with equal width and height. 
  public TwoDShape(double x) { 
    width = height = x; 
  // Properties for width and height. 
  public double width { 
     get { return pri_width; } 
     set { pri_width = value; } 
  public double height { 
     get { return pri_height; } 
     set { pri_height = value; } 
  public void showDim() { 
    Console.WriteLine("Width and height are " + 
                       width + " and " + height); 
// A derived class of TwoDShape for triangles. 
class Triangle : TwoDShape { 
  string style; // private 
  /* A default constructor. This invokes the default 
     constructor of TwoDShape. */ 
  public Triangle() { 
    style = "null"; 
  // Constructor 
  public Triangle(string s, double w, double h) : base(w, h) { 
    style = s;  
  // Construct an isosceles triangle. 
  public Triangle(double x) : base(x) { 
    style = "isosceles";  
  // Return area of triangle. 
  public double area() { 
    return width * height / 2; 
  // Display a triangle's style. 
  public void showStyle() { 
    Console.WriteLine("Triangle is " + style); 
// Extend Triangle. 
class ColorTriangle : Triangle { 
  string color; 
  public ColorTriangle(string c, string s, 
                       double w, double h) : base(s, w, h) { 
    color = c; 
  // Display the color. 
  public void showColor() { 
    Console.WriteLine("Color is " + color); 
public class Shapes6 { 
  public static void Main() { 
    ColorTriangle t1 =  
         new ColorTriangle("Blue", "right", 8.0, 12.0); 
    ColorTriangle t2 =  
         new ColorTriangle("Red", "isosceles", 2.0, 2.0); 
    Console.WriteLine("Info for t1: "); 
    Console.WriteLine("Area is " + t1.area()); 
    Console.WriteLine("Info for t2: "); 
    Console.WriteLine("Area is " + t2.area()); 


Call a hidden method



C#: The Complete Reference 
by Herbert Schildt 

Publisher: Osborne/McGraw-Hill (March 8, 2002)
ISBN: 0072134852

// Call a hidden method. 
using System; 
class A { 
  public int i = 0; 
  // show() in A 
  public void show() { 
    Console.WriteLine("i in base class: " + i); 
// Create a derived class. 
class B : A { 
  new int i; // this i hides the i in A 
  public B(int a, int b) { 
    base.i = a; // this uncovers the i in A 
    i = b; // i in B 

  // This hides show() in A. Notice the use of new. 
  new public void show() { 
    base.show(); // this calls show() in A 
    // this displays the i in B 
    Console.WriteLine("i in derived class: " + i); 
public class UncoverName123 { 
  public static void Main() { 
    B ob = new B(1, 2); 


Using base to overcome name hiding



C#: The Complete Reference 
by Herbert Schildt 

Publisher: Osborne/McGraw-Hill (March 8, 2002)
ISBN: 0072134852

// Using base to overcome name hiding. 
using System; 
class A { 
  public int i = 0; 
// Create a derived class. 
class B : A { 
  new int i; // this i hides the i in A 
  public B(int a, int b) { 
    base.i = a; // this uncovers the i in A 
    i = b; // i in B 
  public void show() { 
    // this displays the i in A. 
    Console.WriteLine("i in base class: " + base.i); 
    // this displays the i in B 
    Console.WriteLine("i in derived class: " + i); 
public class UncoverName1231 { 
  public static void Main() { 
    B ob = new B(1, 2); 


An example of inheritance-related name hiding



C#: The Complete Reference 
by Herbert Schildt 

Publisher: Osborne/McGraw-Hill (March 8, 2002)
ISBN: 0072134852

// An example of inheritance-related name hiding. 
using System; 
class A { 
  public int i = 0; 
// Create a derived class. 
class B : A { 
  new int i; // this i hides the i in A 
  public B(int b) { 
    i = b; // i in B 
  public void show() { 
    Console.WriteLine("i in derived class: " + i); 
public class NameHiding { 
  public static void Main() { 
    B ob = new B(2); 


Four layers of class hierarchy



 * C# Programmers Pocket Consultant
 * Author: Gregory S. MacBeth
 * Email: gmacbeth@comporium.net
 * Create Date: June 27, 2003
 * Last Modified Date:
using System;

namespace Client.Chapter_5___Building_Your_Own_Classes
  public class MyMainClass3
    static void Main(string[] args)
      //The function called is based
      //upon the type called by new.
      A MyA = new D();
      B MyB = new C();

      MyA.Display();    //Calls D Display  
      MyB.Display();    //Calls C Display
      // followed by B's Display //via the base keyword
  class A
    public virtual void Display()
      Console.WriteLine("Class A's Display Method");
  class B: A
    public override void Display()
      Console.WriteLine("Class B's Display Method");
  class C: B
    public override void Display()
      Console.WriteLine("Class C's Display Method");
  class D: C
    public override void Display()
      Console.WriteLine("Class D's Display Method");



Inheritance 3



 * C# Programmers Pocket Consultant
 * Author: Gregory S. MacBeth
 * Email: gmacbeth@comporium.net
 * Create Date: June 27, 2003
 * Last Modified Date:
using System;

namespace Client.Chapter_5___Building_Your_Own_Classes
  public class InheritanceChapter_5___Building_Your_Own_Classes
    static void Main(string[] args)
      B MyB = new D();
      D MyD = new D();

      //Both result in in D's instance of Display being //called
  public class B
    public virtual void Display()
      Console.WriteLine("Class B's Display Method");
  public class C: B
    public override void Display()
      Console.WriteLine("Class C's Display Method");
  public class ContainedClass
    int MyInt = 0;
  public class D: C
    public ContainedClass MyClass = new ContainedClass();
    public override void Display()
      Console.WriteLine("Class D's Display Method");



Demonstrates deriving a new class from a base class in another assembly



C# Programming Tips & Techniques
by Charles Wright, Kris Jamsa

Publisher: Osborne/McGraw-Hill (December 28, 2001)
ISBN: 0072193794

//  Access1.cs - demonstrates deriving a new class from a base class in
//               another assembly. Also demonstrates how a derived class
//               may provide a public property to expose a protected member
//               of a base class.
//               Compile this program with the following command line:
//                   C:>csc /r:access.exe Access1.cs
namespace nsAccess
    using System;
    public class Access1
        static public void Main ()
            clsDerived derived = new clsDerived ();
            derived.AccessIt = 42;
            derived.ShowField ();
// Derive a class from the base class and give it a public
// property to access the private field in the base class
    class clsDerived : clsBase
        public int AccessIt
            get {return (Private);}
            set {Private = value;}
    public class clsBase
        private int m_Private;
        protected int Private
            get {return (m_Private);}
            set {m_Private = value;}
        public void ShowField ()
            Console.WriteLine ("The value of private field m_Private is " + m_Private);