Install gdrive terminal on linux ubuntu



Best Css code samples with applied examples


Example 1 ( change the style of a title element with CSS)

Example 2 ( )



Example 3 (  )





Example 4 (  )


Example 5 (  )


Example 6 (  )


Example 7 (  )


Example 8 (  )



Example 4 ( change the style of a title element with CSS)




Example 5 ( change the style of a title element with CSS)



Example 6 ( change the style of a title element with CSS)



Example 7 ( change the style of a title element with CSS)




Example 8 ( change the style of a title element with CSS)




PHP xdebug install


First of all install the  php-devel ,   or php56w-devel


Laravel installation – Laravel yukleme


Download the laravel package from  GIT .

install it  with composer ,


Then  create   project 

Then  give the all of  permissions  to read write  LOGS !!!