Blocking an ip under linux


CentOS / RHEL / Fedora Block An IP And Save It To Config File

How Do I Unblock An IP Address?

Download – KEPServerEX OPC Communications Server


Download – KEPServerEX   OPC Communications Server

Communications for Automation

KEPServerEX is a flexible and scalable solution for connecting, managing, monitoring, and controlling diverse automation devices and software applications. Communications is managed through a robust platform that supports an array of open standards such as OPC, propriety communication protocols, APIs, and various automation systems’ interfaces. KEPServerEX enables improved operations and decision making throughout all levels of an organization.

from :

C# opc-client .net api basic example


1. Need .DLL and files !!    find  DLLs  online

Search in google for DLL files


2. Dll Usings


VB EXamples

Public Function Browse(ByRef node As TreeNode, Optional id As Opc.ItemIdentifier = Nothing) As Integer
Try  this to for solution

pinging a server



Creating a Timer, for this method