Split with a list of dividers


using System;
using System.Text;
class SplitStringApp {
    static void Main(string[] args) {
        string t = "Once,Upon:A/TimeIn'America";
        char[] sep2 = new char[]{' ', ',', ':', '/', '', '''};
        foreach (string ss in t.Split(sep2))


Split with space


using System;
using System.Text;
class SplitStringApp
    static void Main(string[] args)
        string s = "Once Upon A Time In America";
        char[] seps = new char[]{' '};
        foreach (string ss in s.Split(seps))


String split and search



Learning C# 
by Jesse Liberty

Publisher: O'Reilly 
ISBN: 0596003765
 using System;
 using System.Text;

 namespace StringSearch
    public class TesterStringSearch1
       public void Run()
           // create some strings to work with
           string s1 = "One,Two,Three Liberty Associates, Inc.";

           // constants for the space and comma characters
           const char Space = ' ';
           const char Comma = ',';

           // array of delimiters to split the sentence with
           char[] delimiters = new char[]

           // use a StringBuilder class to build the
           // output string
           StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder();
           int ctr = 1;

           // split the string and then iterate over the
           // resulting array of strings
           foreach (string subString in s1.Split(delimiters))
               // AppendFormat appends a formatted string
               output.AppendFormat("{0}: {1}


       static void Main()
          TesterStringSearch1 t = new TesterStringSearch1();


String search Demo



Learning C# 
by Jesse Liberty

Publisher: O'Reilly 
ISBN: 0596003765

 using System;

 namespace StringSearch
     public class TesterStringSearch
         public void Run()
             // create some strings to work with
             string s1 = "One,Two,Three Liberty Associates, Inc. ";

             // constants for the space and comma characters
             const char Space = ' ';
             const char Comma = ',';

             // array of delimiters to split the sentence with
             char[] delimiters = new char[]

             string output = "";
             int ctr = 1;

             // split the string and then iterate over the
             // resulting array of strings

             String[] resultArray = s1.Split(delimiters);

             foreach (String subString in resultArray)
                 output += ctr++;
                 output += ": ";
                 output += subString;
                 output += "


         static void Main()
             TesterStringSearch t = new TesterStringSearch();


String search: last index



Learning C# 
by Jesse Liberty

Publisher: O'Reilly 
ISBN: 0596003765

 using System;

 namespace StringSearch
    public class TesterStringLastIndex
       public void Run()
           // create some strings to work with
           string s1 = "One Two Three Four";

           int index;

           // get the index of the last space
           index=s1.LastIndexOf(" ");

           // get the last word.
           string s2 = s1.Substring(index+1);

           // set s1 to the substring starting at 0
           // and ending at index (the start of the last word
           // thus s1 has one two three
           s1 = s1.Substring(0,index);

           // find the last space in s1 (after two)
           index = s1.LastIndexOf(" ");

           // set s3 to the substring starting at
           // index, the space after "two" plus one more
           // thus s3 = "three"
           string s3 = s1.Substring(index+1);

           // reset s1 to the substring starting at 0
           // and ending at index, thus the string "one two"
           s1 = s1.Substring(0,index);

           // reset index to the space between
           // "one" and "two"
           index = s1.LastIndexOf(" ");

           // set s4 to the substring starting one
           // space after index, thus the substring "two"
           string s4 = s1.Substring(index+1);

           // reset s1 to the substring starting at 0
           // and ending at index, thus "one"
           s1 = s1.Substring(0,index);

           // set index to the last space, but there is
           // none so index now = -1
           index = s1.LastIndexOf(" ");

           // set s5 to the substring at one past
           // the last space. there was no last space
           // so this sets s5 to the substring starting
           // at zero
           string s5 = s1.Substring(index+1);

           Console.WriteLine ("s2: {0}
s3: {1}",s2,s3);
           Console.WriteLine ("s4: {0}
s5: {1}
           Console.WriteLine ("s1: {0}

       static void Main()
          TesterStringLastIndex t = new TesterStringLastIndex();


use the IndexOf() and LastIndexOf() methods to search for substrings and characters;


using System;

class MainClass {

    public static void Main() {
        string[] myStrings = {"To", "be", "or", "not","to", "be"};
        string myString = String.Join(".", myStrings);        

        int index = myString.IndexOf("be");

        Console.WriteLine(""be" first occurs at index " + index + " of myString");
        index = myString.LastIndexOf("be");
        Console.WriteLine(""be" last occurs at index " + index + " of myString");
        index = myString.IndexOf('b');
        Console.WriteLine("'b' first occurs at index " + index + " of myString");
        index = myString.LastIndexOf('b');
        Console.WriteLine("'b' last occurs at index " + index + " of myString");
