rdesktop sound with remote client


Virtual machine resize Disk Volume Group


Important for us

**>> Free PE / Size 5120 / 20.00 GiB

So Firstly we are extending volume group
# lvextend -l +5120 /dev/telekom_kutayzorlu_com-vg/root

After Resize to see Action in Disk Size Now
# resize2fs /dev/telekom_kutayzorlu_com-vg/root

If you are using XFS file format it will give error  so use that 
# xfs_growfs /dev/telekom_kutayzorlu_com-vg/root


550 5.7.1 Unable to Relay Mail From Exchange Server

Open the “New SMTP Receive Connector wizard”

Click Properties of Connectors,

Click Permissions, and others,

Select annonymous


After open terminal write  this TESTED !!!




You need to do  this for     all of connectors,   PORT 25 and 587