PFsense too slow NAT connection problem Fixed !


– Ping works with no problem,  from LAN to LAN,
from WAN to WAN and any cross-subnet combination with the correct NAT/gateway rules.
– TCP connections work in one way or between specific hosts, but in one direction to WAN or from WAN they don’t work,

Slow traffic (~5.67 Kbps)  !!!!
– UDP  work sometimes,


First :  Login  Host machine,   SERVER which is Main

Second: Open pfsense
Disable the hardware checksum offload. 





WordPress HTTP Error UPLOAD big Files

ADD this the  APACHE site configuration

FcgidMaxRequestLen 80000000


Raid Mdadm, send automatic email when raid fails

Package names:

Controlling,,  installed well

Set the email configuration

Apply settings for current user

Testing the mail :

Change mail configuration,


Example Crontab,

Autostart with mdadm


nginx or apache mod security installation

Pre-Packaged, Binary Installation

The easiest method of installing ModSecurity is to use your existing OS Package Manager application (Yum or Aptitude) to install it from your default OS Repository.

Installation – Ubuntu/Debian

Installation – Fedora/CentOS

Installation – Microsoft IIS (MSI Installer)

Installation information for IIS

Source Code Downloads

ModSecurity is an open source product licensed under ASLv2. It comes with full source code and documentation. Current releases are signed by Breno Silva. These public keys are available via most PGP key server mirrors.

ModSecurity for Apache (Stable Release Quality)

Installation information for Apache

ModSecurity for Nginx

NOTE: The Nginx module is contained within the Apache archive package. You must first compile ModSecurity with the –enable-standalone-moduleflag and then compile the Nginx code to use it. See the Blog post for more information.
NOTE: Some instabilities in the Nginx add-on have been reported (see the Github issues page for details). Please use the “nginx_refactoring” branch where possible for the most up to date version and stay tuned for the ModSecurity version 4.









Remount partition on mac – linux as read write

Try using mount -u -w:


IspConfig change hostname

Pop Dovecot

Smtp Postfix

ISPconfig  ” config  .php” file

On Administration area