Use out


C#: The Complete Reference 
by Herbert Schildt 

Publisher: Osborne/McGraw-Hill (March 8, 2002)
ISBN: 0072134852
// Use out. 
using System; 
class Decompose { 
  /* Decompose a floating-point value into its 
      integer and fractional parts. */ 
  public int parts(double n, out double frac) { 
    int whole; 
    whole = (int) n; 
    frac = n - whole; // pass fractional part back through frac 
    return whole; // return integer portion 
public class UseOut { 
  public static void Main() {   
   Decompose ob = new Decompose(); 
    int i; 
    double f; 
    i =, out f); 
    Console.WriteLine("Integer portion is " + i); 
    Console.WriteLine("Fractional part is " + f); 


Swap two values


C#: The Complete Reference 
by Herbert Schildt 

Publisher: Osborne/McGraw-Hill (March 8, 2002)
ISBN: 0072134852
// Swap two values. 
using System; 
class Swap { 
  // This method now changes its arguments. 
  public void swap(ref int a, ref int b) { 
    int t; 
    t = a; 
    a = b; 
    b = t; 
public class SwapDemo { 
  public static void Main() { 
    Swap ob = new Swap(); 
    int x = 10, y = 20; 
    Console.WriteLine("x and y before call: " + x + " " + y); 
    ob.swap(ref x, ref y);  
    Console.WriteLine("x and y after call: " + x + " " + y); 


Use ref to pass a value type by reference


C#: The Complete Reference 
by Herbert Schildt 

Publisher: Osborne/McGraw-Hill (March 8, 2002)
ISBN: 0072134852
// Use ref to pass a value type by reference. 
using System; 
class RefTest { 
  /* This method changes its arguments. 
     Notice the use of ref. */ 
  public void sqr(ref int i) { 
    i = i * i; 
public class RefDemo { 
  public static void Main() { 
    RefTest ob = new RefTest(); 
    int a = 10; 
    Console.WriteLine("a before call: " + a); 
    ob.sqr(ref a); // notice the use of ref 
    Console.WriteLine("a after call: " + a); 


Objects are passed by reference


C#: The Complete Reference 
by Herbert Schildt 

Publisher: Osborne/McGraw-Hill (March 8, 2002)
ISBN: 0072134852
// Objects are passed by reference. 
using System; 
class Test { 
  public int a, b; 
  public Test(int i, int j) { 
    a = i; 
    b = j; 
  /* Pass an object. Now, ob.a and ob.b in object 
     used in the call will be changed. */ 
  public void change(Test ob) { 
    ob.a = ob.a + ob.b; 
    ob.b = -ob.b; 
public class CallByRef { 
  public static void Main() { 
    Test ob = new Test(15, 20); 
    Console.WriteLine("ob.a and ob.b before call: " + 
                       ob.a + " " + ob.b); 
    Console.WriteLine("ob.a and ob.b after call: " + 
                       ob.a + " " + ob.b); 


Simple types are passed by value


C#: The Complete Reference 
by Herbert Schildt 

Publisher: Osborne/McGraw-Hill (March 8, 2002)
ISBN: 0072134852
// Simple types are passed by value. 
using System; 
class Test { 
  /* This method causes no change to the arguments 
     used in the call. */ 
  public void noChange(int i, int j) { 
    i = i + j; 
    j = -j; 
public class CallByValue { 
  public static void Main() { 
    Test ob = new Test(); 
    int a = 15, b = 20; 
    Console.WriteLine("a and b before call: " + 
                       a + " " + b); 
    ob.noChange(a, b);  
    Console.WriteLine("a and b after call: " + 
                       a + " " + b); 


Objects can be passed to methods


C#: The Complete Reference 
by Herbert Schildt 

Publisher: Osborne/McGraw-Hill (March 8, 2002)
ISBN: 0072134852
// Objects can be passed to methods.  
using System; 
class MyClass {  
  int alpha, beta; 
  public MyClass(int i, int j) {  
    alpha = i;  
    beta = j;  
  /* Return true if ob contains the same values 
     as the invoking object. */ 
  public bool sameAs(MyClass ob) {  
    if((ob.alpha == alpha) & (ob.beta == beta)) 
       return true;  
    else return false;  
  // Make a copy of ob. 
  public void copy(MyClass ob) { 
    alpha = ob.alpha; 
    beta  = ob.beta; 
  public void show() { 
    Console.WriteLine("alpha: {0}, beta: {1}", 
                      alpha, beta); 
public class PassOb {  
  public static void Main() { 
    MyClass ob1 = new MyClass(4, 5);  
    MyClass ob2 = new MyClass(6, 7);  
    Console.Write("ob1: ");; 
    Console.Write("ob2: ");; 
      Console.WriteLine("ob1 and ob2 have the same values."); 
      Console.WriteLine("ob1 and ob2 have different values."); 
    // now, make ob1 a copy of ob2 
    Console.Write("ob1 after copy: ");; 
      Console.WriteLine("ob1 and ob2 have the same values."); 
      Console.WriteLine("ob1 and ob2 have different values."); 


Passing Parameters By Value and By Ref

* C# Programmers Pocket Consultant
* Author: Gregory S. MacBeth
* Email:
* Create Date: June 27, 2003
* Last Modified Date:
using System;

namespace Client.Chapter_5___Building_Your_Own_Classes
public class PassingParametersByValueandByRef
static void Main(string[] args)
int MyInt = 5;

MyIntArray = new int[10];
Method2(1, 2);
MyMethodRef(ref MyInt);
Method2(new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 });
static private int MyInt = 5;
static public int MyInt2 = 10;
static public int[] MyIntArray;
private static int ObjectCount = 0;
static public int MyMethodRef(ref int myInt)
MyInt = MyInt + myInt;
return MyInt;
static public int MyMethod(int myInt)
MyInt = MyInt + myInt;
return MyInt;
static private long MyLongMethod(ref int myInt)
return myInt;
static public void Method2(params int[] args)
for (int I = 0; I < args.Length; I++) Console.WriteLine(args[I]); } } } [/csharp]