Parameter out and reference


using System;  

class ReferenceAndOutputParamtersTest
   static void Main( string[] args )

      int y = 5;
      int z; 

      Console.WriteLine( "Original value of y: {0}", y );
      Console.WriteLine( "Original value of z: uninitialized
" );

      SquareRef( ref y ); // must use keyword ref
      SquareOut( out z ); // must use keyword out

      Console.WriteLine( "Value of y after SquareRef: {0}", y );
      Console.WriteLine( "Value of z after SquareOut: {0}
", z );

      Square( y );
      Square( z );

      Console.WriteLine( "Value of y after Square: {0}", y );
      Console.WriteLine( "Value of z after Square: {0}", z );

   static void SquareRef( ref int x )
      x = x * x;

   static void SquareOut( out int x )
      x = 6;
      x = x * x;

   static void Square( int x )
      x = x * x;


Iff operator in C#


//Octavalent Extension Methods
//Library of extension methods for .Net create by Octavalent (

namespace System.OctavalentExtensions
    public static class BooleanExtensions
        public static object Iff(this bool value, object valueIfTrue, object valueIfFalse)
            if (value)
                return valueIfTrue;

            return valueIfFalse;