Get current Process Name


using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Diagnostics;

class AssemType

  public static void Main(string[] args)
    Process p = Process.GetCurrentProcess();
    string assemblyName = p.ProcessName + ".exe";
    Console.WriteLine("Examining : {0}", assemblyName);
    Assembly a = Assembly.LoadFrom(assemblyName);

    Type[] types = a.GetTypes();
    foreach(Type t in types)
Type : {0}",t.FullName);
      Console.WriteLine("	Base class : {0}",t.BaseType.FullName);


The simplest polynomial implementation

A Programmer's Introduction to C# (Second Edition)
by Eric Gunnerson

Publisher: Apress L.P.
ISBN: 1-893115-62-3

//csc /debug- /o+ /out:polynomial.exe /r:system.dll Counter.cs Driver.cs PolySimple.cs polynomial.cs ipoly.cs


namespace Polynomial
using System;

/// The simplest polynomial implementation

/// This implementation loops through the coefficients and evaluates each
/// term of the polynomial.

class PolySimple: Polynomial
public PolySimple(params double[] coefficients): base(coefficients)

public override double Evaluate(double value)
double retval = coefficients[0];

double f = value;

for (int i = 1; i < coefficients.Length; i++) { retval += coefficients[i] * f; f *= value; } return(retval); } } } //File:Polynomial.cs namespace Polynomial { using System; using PolyInterface; ///

/// The abstract class all implementations inherit from

public abstract class Polynomial
public Polynomial(params double[] coefficients)
this.coefficients = new double[coefficients.Length];

for (int i = 0; i < coefficients.Length; i++) this.coefficients[i] = coefficients[i]; } public abstract double Evaluate(double value); protected double[] coefficients = null; } } //File:IPoly.cs namespace PolyInterface { ///

/// The interface that implementations will implement

public interface IPolynomial
double Eval(double value);

namespace Polynomial
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;


/// Driver class for the project

public class Driver

/// Times the evaluation of a polynomial

/// The polynomial to evaluate public static double TimeEvaluate(Polynomial p)
double value = 2.0;

Console.WriteLine(“{0}”, p.GetType().Name);

// Time the first iteration. This one is done
// separately so that we can figure out the startup
// overhead separately…
long start = Counter.Value;

p.Evaluate(0.0); // do the first iteration.
long delta = Counter.Value – start;
Console.WriteLine(“Overhead = {0:f2} seconds”, (double) delta/Counter.Frequency);
Console.WriteLine(“Eval({0}) = {1}”, value, p.Evaluate(value));

int limit = 100000;
start = Counter.Value;

// Evaluate the polynomial the required number of
// times.
double result = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < limit; i++) { result += p.Evaluate(value); } delta = Counter.Value - start; double ips = (double) limit * ((double)Counter.Frequency / (double) delta); Console.WriteLine("Evalutions/Second = {0:f0}", ips); Console.WriteLine(); return(ips); } ///

/// Run all implementations for a given set of coefficients

/// public static void Eval(double[] coeff)
Polynomial[] imps = new Polynomial []
new PolySimple(coeff),

double[] results = new double[imps.Length];
for (int index = 0; index < imps.Length; index++) { results[index] = TimeEvaluate(imps[index]); } Console.WriteLine("Results for length = {0}", coeff.Length); for (int index = 0; index < imps.Length; index++) { Console.WriteLine("{0} = {1:f0}", imps[index], results[index]); } Console.WriteLine(); } ///

/// Maim function.

public static void Main()
Eval(new Double[] {5.5});

// Evaluate the first polynomial, with 7 elements
double[] coeff =
new double[] {5.5, 7.0, 15, 30, 500, 100, 1};


// Evaluate the second polynomial, with 50 elements
coeff = new double[50];
for (int index = 0; index < 50; index++) { coeff[index] = index; } Eval(coeff); } } } //File:Counter.cs using System; namespace Polynomial { class Counter { public static long Frequency { get { long freq = 0; QueryPerformanceFrequency(ref freq); return freq; } } public static long Value { get { long count = 0; QueryPerformanceCounter(ref count); return count; } } [System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport("KERNEL32")] private static extern bool QueryPerformanceCounter( ref long lpPerformanceCount); [System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport("KERNEL32")] private static extern bool QueryPerformanceFrequency( ref long lpFrequency); } } 2 k)[/csharp]

This module contains the recursive descent parser that recognizes variables


C#: The Complete Reference 
by Herbert Schildt 

Publisher: Osborne/McGraw-Hill (March 8, 2002)
ISBN: 0072134852
   This module contains the recursive descent 
   parser that recognizes variables. 
using System; 
// Exception class for parser errors. 
class ParserException : ApplicationException { 
  public ParserException(string str) : base(str) { }  
  public override string ToString() { 
    return Message; 
class Parser { 
  // Enumerate token types. 
  // Enumerate error types. 
  string exp;    // refers to expression string 
  int expIdx;    // current index into the expression 
  string token;  // holds current token 
  Types tokType; // holds token&#039;s type 
  // Array for variables. 
  double[] vars = new double[26]; 
  public Parser() { 
    // Initialize the variables to zero. 
    for(int i=0; i < vars.Length; i++)  
       vars&#91;i&#93; = 0.0; 
  // Parser entry point. 
  public double Evaluate(string expstr) 
    double result; 
    exp = expstr; 
    expIdx = 0;  
    try {  
      if(token == "") { 
        SyntaxErr(Errors.NOEXP); // no expression present 
        return 0.0; 
      EvalExp1(out result); // now, call EvalExp1() to start 
      if(token != "") // last token must be null 
      return result; 
    } catch (ParserException exc) { 
      // Add other error handling here, as desired. 
      return 0.0; 
  // Process an assignment. 
  void EvalExp1(out double result) 
    int varIdx; 
    Types ttokType; 
    string temptoken; 
    if(tokType == Types.VARIABLE) { 
      // save old token 
      temptoken = String.Copy(token); 
      ttokType = tokType; 
      // Compute the index of the variable. 
      varIdx = Char.ToUpper(token&#91;0&#93;) - &#039;A&#039;; 
      if(token != "=") { 
        PutBack(); // return current token 
        // restore old token -- not an assignment 
        token = String.Copy(temptoken); 
        tokType = ttokType; 
      else { 
        GetToken(); // get next part of exp 
        EvalExp2(out result); 
        vars&#91;varIdx&#93; = result; 
    EvalExp2(out result); 
  // Add or subtract two terms. 
  void EvalExp2(out double result) 
    string op; 
    double partialResult; 
    EvalExp3(out result); 
    while((op = token) == "+" || op == "-") { 
      EvalExp3(out partialResult); 
      switch(op) { 
        case "-": 
          result = result - partialResult; 
        case "+": 
          result = result + partialResult; 
  // Multiply or divide two factors. 
  void EvalExp3(out double result) 
    string op; 
    double partialResult = 0.0; 
    EvalExp4(out result); 
    while((op = token) == "*" || 
           op == "/" || op == "%") { 
      EvalExp4(out partialResult); 
      switch(op) { 
        case "*": 
          result = result * partialResult; 
        case "/": 
          if(partialResult == 0.0) 
          result = result / partialResult; 
        case "%": 
          if(partialResult == 0.0) 
          result = (int) result % (int) partialResult; 
  // Process an exponent. 
  void EvalExp4(out double result) 
    double partialResult, ex; 
    int t; 
    EvalExp5(out result); 
    if(token == "^") { 
      EvalExp4(out partialResult); 
      ex = result; 
      if(partialResult == 0.0) { 
        result = 1.0; 
      for(t=(int)partialResult-1; t > 0; t--) 
        result = result * (double)ex; 
  // Evaluate a unary + or -. 
  void EvalExp5(out double result) 
    string  op; 
    op = ""; 
    if((tokType == Types.DELIMITER) &amp;&amp; 
        token == "+" || token == "-") { 
      op = token; 
    EvalExp6(out result); 
    if(op == "-") result = -result; 
  // Process a parenthesized expression. 
  void EvalExp6(out double result) 
    if((token == "(")) { 
      EvalExp2(out result); 
      if(token != ")") 
    else Atom(out result); 
  // Get the value of a number or variable. 
  void Atom(out double result) 
    switch(tokType) { 
      case Types.NUMBER: 
        try { 
          result = Double.Parse(token); 
        } catch (FormatException) { 
          result = 0.0; 
      case Types.VARIABLE: 
        result = FindVar(token); 
        result = 0.0; 
   // Return the value of a variable. 
  double FindVar(string vname) 
      return 0.0; 
    return vars[Char.ToUpper(vname[0])-&#039;A&#039;]; 
  // Return a token to the input stream. 
  void PutBack()   
    for(int i=0; i < token.Length; i++) expIdx--; 
  // Handle a syntax error. 
  void SyntaxErr(Errors error) 
    string&#91;&#93; err = { 
      "Syntax Error", 
      "Unbalanced Parentheses", 
      "No Expression Present", 
      "Division by Zero" 
    throw new ParserException(err&#91;(int)error&#93;); 
  // Obtain the next token. 
  void GetToken() 
    tokType = Types.NONE; 
    token = ""; 
    if(expIdx == exp.Length) return; // at end of expression 
    // skip over white space 
    while(expIdx < exp.Length &amp;&amp; 
          Char.IsWhiteSpace(exp&#91;expIdx&#93;)) ++expIdx; 
    // trailing whitespace ends expression 
    if(expIdx == exp.Length) return; 
    if(IsDelim(exp&#91;expIdx&#93;)) { // is operator 
      token += exp&#91;expIdx&#93;; 
      tokType = Types.DELIMITER; 
    else if(Char.IsLetter(exp&#91;expIdx&#93;)) { // is variable 
      while(!IsDelim(exp&#91;expIdx&#93;)) { 
        token += exp&#91;expIdx&#93;; 
        if(expIdx >= exp.Length) break; 
      tokType = Types.VARIABLE; 
    else if(Char.IsDigit(exp[expIdx])) { // is number 
      while(!IsDelim(exp[expIdx])) { 
        token += exp[expIdx]; 
        if(expIdx >= exp.Length) break; 
      tokType = Types.NUMBER; 
  // Return true if c is a delimiter. 
  bool IsDelim(char c) 
    if((" +-/*%^=()".IndexOf(c) != -1)) 
      return true; 
    return false; 

// Demonstrate the parser. 

public class ParserDemo1 { 
  public static void Main() 
    string expr; 
    Parser p = new Parser(); 
    Console.WriteLine("Enter an empty expression to stop."); 
    for(;;) { 
      Console.Write("Enter expression: "); 
      expr = Console.ReadLine(); 
      if(expr == "") break; 
      Console.WriteLine("Result: " + p.Evaluate(expr)); 


Regular Expressions: More Complex Parsing


A Programmer&#039;s Introduction to C# (Second Edition)
by Eric Gunnerson

Publisher: Apress  L.P.
ISBN: 1-893115-62-3

// 17 - StringsRegular ExpressionsMore Complex Parsing
// copyright 2000 Eric Gunnerson
// file=logparse.cs
// compile with: csc logparse.cs
using System;
using System.Net;
using System.IO;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Collections;

public class MoreComplexParsing
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        if (args.Length  == 0) //we need a file to parse
            Console.WriteLine("No log file specified.");
    public static void ParseLogFile(string    filename)
        if (!System.IO.File.Exists(filename))
            Console.WriteLine ("The file specified does not exist.");
            FileStream f = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Open);
            StreamReader stream = new StreamReader(f);
            string line;
            line = stream.ReadLine();    // header line
            line = stream.ReadLine();    // version line
            line = stream.ReadLine();    // Date line
            Regex    regexDate= new Regex(@":s(?<date>[^s]+)s");
            Match    match = regexDate.Match(line);
            string    date = "";
            if (match.Length != 0)
            date = match.Groups["date"].ToString();
            line = stream.ReadLine();    // Fields line
            Regex    regexLine = 
            new Regex(        // match digit or :
            @"(?<time>(d|:)+)s" +
            // match digit or .
            @"(?<ip>(d|.)+)s" +
            // match any non-white
            @"(?<method>S+)s" +
            // match any non-white
            @"(?<uri>S+)s" + 
            // match any non-white
            // read through the lines, add an 
            // IISLogRow for each line
            while ((line = stream.ReadLine()) != null)
                match = regexLine.Match(line);
                if (match.Length != 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("date: {0} {1}", date, 
                    Console.WriteLine("IP Address: {0}", 
                    Console.WriteLine("Method: {0}", 
                    Console.WriteLine("Status: {0}", 
                    Console.WriteLine("URI: {0}