Properties:Static Properties


A Programmer's Introduction to C# (Second Edition)
by Eric Gunnerson

Publisher: Apress  L.P.
ISBN: 1-893115-62-3
// 18 - PropertiesStatic Properties
// copyright 2000 Eric Gunnerson
class Color
    public Color(int red, int green, int blue)
    { = red; = green; = blue;
    int    red;
    int    green;
    int    blue;
    public static Color Red
            return(new Color(255, 0, 0));
    public static Color Green
            return(new Color(0, 255, 0));
    public static Color Blue
            return(new Color(0, 0, 255));

public class StaticProperties
    static void Main()
        Color background = Color.Red;


Delegates as Static Properties

A Programmer's Introduction to C# (Second Edition)
by Eric Gunnerson

Publisher: Apress L.P.
ISBN: 1-893115-62-3

// 22 – DelegatesDelegates as Static Properties
// copyright 2000 Eric Gunnerson
using System;
class Container
public delegate int CompareItemsCallback(object obj1, object obj2);
public void SortItems(CompareItemsCallback compare)
// not a real sort, just shows what the
// inner loop code might do
int x = 0;
int y = 1;
object item1 = arr[x];
object item2 = arr[y];
int order = compare(item1, item2);
object[] arr; // items in the collection
class Employee
Employee(string name, int id)
{ = name; = id;
public static Container.CompareItemsCallback SortByName
return(new Container.CompareItemsCallback(CompareName));
public static Container.CompareItemsCallback SortById
return(new Container.CompareItemsCallback(CompareId));
static int CompareName(object obj1, object obj2)
Employee emp1 = (Employee) obj1;
Employee emp2 = (Employee) obj2;
static int CompareId(object obj1, object obj2)
Employee emp1 = (Employee) obj1;
Employee emp2 = (Employee) obj2;

if ( >
if ( < return(-1); else return(0); } string name; int id; } public class DelegatesasStaticProperties { public static void Main() { Container employees = new Container(); // create and add some employees here employees.SortItems(Employee.SortByName); // employees is now sorted by name } } [/csharp]

Properties Accessors


A Programmer&#039;s Introduction to C# (Second Edition)
by Eric Gunnerson

Publisher: Apress  L.P.
ISBN: 1-893115-62-3
// 18 - PropertiesAccessors
// copyright 2000 Eric Gunnerson

public class PropertiesAccessors
    private string name;
    public string Name
            return name;
            name = value;


Properties: Side Effects When Setting Values


A Programmer&#039;s Introduction to C# (Second Edition)
by Eric Gunnerson

Publisher: Apress  L.P.
ISBN: 1-893115-62-3
// 18 - PropertiesSide Effects When Setting Values
// copyright 2000 Eric Gunnerson
using System;
using System.Collections;
class Basket
    internal void UpdateTotal()
        total = 0;
        foreach (BasketItem item in items)
            total += item.Total;
    ArrayList    items = new ArrayList();
    Decimal    total;
public class BasketItem
    BasketItem(Basket basket)
        this.basket = basket;
    public int Quantity
            quantity = value;
    public Decimal Price
            price = value;
    public Decimal Total
            // volume discount; 10% if 10 or more are purchased
            if (quantity >= 10)
            return(quantity * price * 0.90m);
            return(quantity * price); 
    int        quantity;     // count of the item
    Decimal    price;        // price of the item
    Basket     basket;       // reference back to the basket


Properties: Use of Properties


A Programmer&#039;s Introduction to C# (Second Edition)
by Eric Gunnerson

Publisher: Apress  L.P.
ISBN: 1-893115-62-3
// 18 - PropertiesUse of Properties
// copyright 2000 Eric Gunnerson
using System;
public class Auto
    public Auto(int id, string name)
    { = id; = name;
    // query to find # produced
    public int ProductionCount
            if (productionCount == -1)
                // fetch count from database here.
    public int SalesCount
            if (salesCount == -1)
                // query each dealership for data
    string name;
    int id;
    int productionCount = -1;
    int salesCount = -1;


access to a private field through a property

C# Programming Tips & Techniques
by Charles Wright, Kris Jamsa

Publisher: Osborne/McGraw-Hill (December 28, 2001)
ISBN: 0072193794
// Property.cs — Demonstrates access to a private field through a property.
// Compile this program with the following command line:
// C:>csc Property.cs
namespace nsProperty
using System;
public class Property
const double radian = 57.29578;
const double pi = 3.14159;
int Angle
int angle = (int) (fAngle * radian + 0.5);
angle = angle == 360 ? 0 : angle;
return (angle);
double angle = (double) value / radian;
if (angle < (2 * pi)) { fAngle = angle; Console.WriteLine ("fAngle set to {0,0:F5}", fAngle); } else { Console.WriteLine ("fAngle not modified"); } } } double fAngle = 0.0; // Angle in radians static public int Main (string [] args) { int angle; try { angle = int.Parse (args[0]); } catch (IndexOutOfRangeException) { Console.WriteLine ("usage: circle [angle in degrees]"); return (-1); } catch (FormatException) { Console.WriteLine ("Please use a number value for the angle in degrees"); return (-1); } Property main = new Property(); main.Angle = angle; Console.WriteLine ("The angle is {0} degrees", main.Angle); return (0); } } } [/csharp]

The use of an abstract property


C# Programming Tips &amp; Techniques
by Charles Wright, Kris Jamsa

Publisher: Osborne/McGraw-Hill (December 28, 2001)
ISBN: 0072193794

// Abstract.cs -- Demonsrates the use of an abstract property.
//                Compile this program with the following command line:
//                    C:>csc Abstract.cs
namespace nsAbstract
    using System;
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
    public class AbstractPro
        static public void Main ()
            Console.WriteLine (clsAbstract.StaticMethod());
    // To use the abstract modifier on a method, the class also must
    // be declared as abastract
    abstract class clsAbstract
    // To declare an abstract method, end the declaration with a semicolon.
    // Do not provide a body for the method.
        abstract public int AbstractMethod();
    // An abstract class may contain a static method. You do not have
    // to declare an instance of the class to access a static method
        static public double StaticMethod()
            return (3.14159 * 3.14159);
        abstract public long Prop
    // Inherit from the abstract class. The following class implements
    // the AbstractMethod().
    // The access level of the derived class method must be the same
    // as the access level of the base class abstract method.
    class clsDerivedFromAbstract : clsAbstract
        override public int AbstractMethod()
            return (0);
        override public long Prop
                return (val);
                val = value;
        private long val;