Variable in and out a class



Learning C# 
by Jesse Liberty

Publisher: O'Reilly 
ISBN: 0596003765
 using System;

 namespace heap
     public class Dog
         public int weight;

    public class TesterClass
       public void Run()
           // create an integer
           int firstInt = 5;

           // create a second integer
           int secondInt = firstInt;

           // display the two integers
           Console.WriteLine("firstInt: {0} secondInt: {1}",
               firstInt, secondInt);

           // modify the second integer
           secondInt = 7;

           // display the two integers
           Console.WriteLine("firstInt: {0} secondInt: {1}",
               firstInt, secondInt);

           // create a dog
           Dog milo = new Dog();

           // assign a value to weight
           milo.weight = 5;

           // create a second reference to the dog
           Dog fido = milo;

           // display their values
           Console.WriteLine("Milo: {0}, fido: {1}",
               milo.weight, fido.weight);

           // assign a new weight to the second reference
           fido.weight = 7;

           // display the two values
           Console.WriteLine("Milo: {0}, fido: {1}",
               milo.weight, fido.weight);

       static void Main()
          TesterClass t = new TesterClass();