Return an object



C#: The Complete Reference 
by Herbert Schildt 

Publisher: Osborne/McGraw-Hill (March 8, 2002)
ISBN: 0072134852
// Return an object. 
using System; 
class Rect { 
  int width; 
  int height; 
  public Rect(int w, int h) { 
    width = w; 
    height = h; 
  public int area() { 
    return width * height; 
  public void show() { 
    Console.WriteLine(width + " " + height); 
  /* Return a rectangle that is a specified 
     factor larger than the invoking rectangle. */ 
  public Rect enlarge(int factor) { 
    return new Rect(width * factor, height * factor); 
public class RetObj { 
  public static void Main() {   
    Rect r1 = new Rect(4, 5); 
    Console.Write("Dimensions of r1: ");; 
    Console.WriteLine("Area of r1: " + r1.area()); 
    // create a rectange that is twice as big as r1 
    Rect r2 = r1.enlarge(2); 
    Console.Write("Dimensions of r2: ");; 
    Console.WriteLine("Area of r2 " + r2.area()); 


This program creates two Building objects



C#: The Complete Reference 
by Herbert Schildt 

Publisher: Osborne/McGraw-Hill (March 8, 2002)
ISBN: 0072134852
// This program creates two Building objects. 
using System;  
class Building {   
  public int floors;    // number of floors 
  public int area;      // total square footage of building 
  public int occupants; // number of occupants 
// This class declares two objects of type Building.   
public class BuildingDemo1 {   
  public static void Main() {   
    Building house = new Building();   
    Building office = new Building(); 
    int areaPP; // area per person 
    // assign values to fields in house 
    house.occupants = 4;  
    house.area = 2500;  
    house.floors = 2;  
    // assign values to fields in office 
    office.occupants = 25;  
    office.area = 4200;  
    office.floors = 3;  
    // compute the area per person in house 
    areaPP = house.area / house.occupants;  
    Console.WriteLine("house has:
  " + 
                      house.floors + " floors
  " + 
                      house.occupants + " occupants
  " + 
                      house.area + " total area
  " + 
                      areaPP + " area per person"); 
    // compute the area per person in office 
    areaPP = office.area / office.occupants;  
    Console.WriteLine("office has:
  " + 
                      office.floors + " floors
  " + 
                      office.occupants + " occupants
  " + 
                      office.area + " total area
  " + 
                      areaPP + " area per person"); 


A program that uses the Building class



C#: The Complete Reference 
by Herbert Schildt 

Publisher: Osborne/McGraw-Hill (March 8, 2002)
ISBN: 0072134852
// A program that uses the Building class.   
using System;  
class Building {   
  public int floors;    // number of floors 
  public int area;      // total square footage of building 
  public int occupants; // number of occupants 
// This class declares an object of type Building.   
public class BuildingDemo {   
  public static void Main() {   
    Building house = new Building(); // create a Building object 
    int areaPP; // area per person 
    // assign values to fields in house 
    house.occupants = 4;  
    house.area = 2500;  
    house.floors = 2;  
    // compute the area per person 
    areaPP = house.area / house.occupants;  
    Console.WriteLine("house has:
  " + 
                      house.floors + " floors
  " + 
                      house.occupants + " occupants
  " + 
                      house.area + " total area
  " + 
                      areaPP + " area per person"); 


Create class



Learning C# 
by Jesse Liberty

Publisher: O'Reilly 
ISBN: 0596003765
 using System;

 public class MyTime
     // private variables
     private int year;
     private int month;
     private int date;
     private int hour;
     private int minute;
     private int second;

     // public methods
     public void DisplayCurrentMyTime()
             "stub for DisplayCurrentMyTime");

 public class Tester
     static void Main()
         MyTime timeObject = new MyTime();



Variable in and out a class



Learning C# 
by Jesse Liberty

Publisher: O'Reilly 
ISBN: 0596003765
 using System;

 namespace heap
     public class Dog
         public int weight;

    public class TesterClass
       public void Run()
           // create an integer
           int firstInt = 5;

           // create a second integer
           int secondInt = firstInt;

           // display the two integers
           Console.WriteLine("firstInt: {0} secondInt: {1}",
               firstInt, secondInt);

           // modify the second integer
           secondInt = 7;

           // display the two integers
           Console.WriteLine("firstInt: {0} secondInt: {1}",
               firstInt, secondInt);

           // create a dog
           Dog milo = new Dog();

           // assign a value to weight
           milo.weight = 5;

           // create a second reference to the dog
           Dog fido = milo;

           // display their values
           Console.WriteLine("Milo: {0}, fido: {1}",
               milo.weight, fido.weight);

           // assign a new weight to the second reference
           fido.weight = 7;

           // display the two values
           Console.WriteLine("Milo: {0}, fido: {1}",
               milo.weight, fido.weight);

       static void Main()
          TesterClass t = new TesterClass();


Illustrates hiding



Mastering Visual C# .NET
by Jason Price, Mike Gunderloy

Publisher: Sybex;
ISBN: 0782129110
  Example5_4.cs illustrates hiding

// declare the Car class
class Car

  public int yearBuilt;
  public double maximumSpeed;

  public int Age(int currentYear)
    int maximumSpeed = 100;  // hides the field
    System.Console.WriteLine("In Age(): maximumSpeed = " +
    int age = currentYear - yearBuilt;
    return age;

  public double Distance(double initialSpeed, double time)
    System.Console.WriteLine("In Distance(): maximumSpeed = " +
    return (initialSpeed + maximumSpeed) / 2 * time;


public class Example5_4

  public static void Main()

    // create a Car object
    Car redPorsche = new Car();
    redPorsche.yearBuilt = 2000;
    redPorsche.maximumSpeed = 150;

    int age = redPorsche.Age(2001);
    System.Console.WriteLine("redPorsche is " + age + " year old.");
    System.Console.WriteLine("redPorsche travels " +
      redPorsche.Distance(31, .25) + " miles.");




Show name hiding in a derived class



C# Programming Tips & Techniques
by Charles Wright, Kris Jamsa

Publisher: Osborne/McGraw-Hill (December 28, 2001)
ISBN: 0072193794

// Hide.cs -- Show name hiding in a derived class
//            Compile this program with the following command line:
//                C:>csc Hide.cs
namespace nsHide
    using System;
    using System.Reflection;
    public class Hide
        static public void Main ()
            clsBase Base = new clsBase();
            clsDerived Derived = new clsDerived ();
            Base.x = 42;
            Derived.x = 42;
            Console.WriteLine ("For the base class:");
            Console.WriteLine ("	The type stored in clsBase is " + Base.TypeOf());
            Console.WriteLine ("	MathOp () returns {0,0:F3} for {1}", Base.MathOp(42), 42);
            Console.WriteLine ("
For the derived class:");
            Console.WriteLine ("	The type stored in clsDerived is " + Derived.TypeOf());
            Console.WriteLine ("	MathOp () returns {0,0:F3} for {1}", Derived.MathOp(42), 42);
    class clsBase
        protected int m_x;
        public int x
           get {return (x);}
           set {m_x = value;}
        public double MathOp (int val)
            return (Math.Sqrt ((double) val));
        public string TypeOf ()
            return ("integer");
    class clsDerived : clsBase
        new protected double m_x;
        new public double x
           get {return (x);}
           set {m_x = value;}
        new public double MathOp (int val)
            return ((double) (val * val));
        new public string TypeOf ()
            return ("long");